Forum Activity for @madc

02/27/16 01:20:35AM
600 posts

Media player not working on custom templates

Installation and Configuration

Hey guys,

Found a problem arise again that happened about 18 months ago.
In our custom templates the audio media player is not loading the file.

From debg log

(2016-02-27T02:20:04-05:00.0.11375200 : 0)-(mem: 17825792)-(pid: 26101)-(ip: Punk Band Promotions)-(uri: GET /podcasts/stream/loudfastshitty_podcast/554/key=e25Mn9mbmYAM/file.mp3) Array ( [error] => Query Error: Data too long for column 'count_name' at row 1 [_post] => Array ( [_uri] => /podcasts/stream/loudfastshitty_podcast/554/key=e25Mn9mbmYAM/file.mp3 [auto3a01e4885ed4] => 1-f4a1b3c4a0ad702c69b1b854a472798b [_gat] => 1 [sess3a01e4885ed4] => 1b4b44678a2135427bfb8c754edbdae3 [_ga] => GA1.2.797b341a-50da-4a20-92db-095c3f3ae61b [__unam] => 2d56d79-15321c3c19a-67472351-3 [module_url] => podcasts [module] => prLoudFastShitty [option] => stream [_1] => loudfastshitty_podcast [_2] => 554 [key] => e25Mn9mbmYAM [_3] => file.mp3 [unique_cid] => 797b341a-50da-4a20-92db-095c3f3ae61b )

I checked the core updates and notice the change.

            <div class="item">
                <div class="jraudio_detail_player">
                    <div class="jraudio_detail_player_left">
                        {assign var="ap" value="`$_conf.jrCore_active_skin`_auto_play"}
                        {jrCore_media_player type="jrAudio_player_dark" module="jrAudio" field="audio_file" search1="_profile_id = `$_items.0._profile_id`" search2="audio_album = `$_items.0.audio_album`" order_by="audio_file_track numerical_asc" limit="50" autoplay=$_conf.$ap}
                    <div class="jraudio_detail_player_right">
                        {jrCore_module_function function="jrImage_display" module="jrAudio" type="audio_image" item_id=$_items.0._item_id size="large" class="iloutline img_shadow" alt=$_items.0.audio_title width=false height=false}

And this is what is in the current

      <div class="item">
                <div class="center" style="padding:0;margin:0 auto;">
                    {jrCore_module_function function="jrImage_display" module="jrAudio" type="audio_image" item_id=$_items.0._item_id size="xxxlarge" class="img_scale" alt=$_items.0.audio_title style="max-width:805px;max-height:500px;margin:0 auto;border-radius:0;"}
                {assign var="ap" value="`$_conf.jrCore_active_skin`_auto_play"}
                {assign var="skin_player_type" value="`$_conf.jrCore_active_skin`_player_type"}
                {assign var="player_type" value=$_conf.$skin_player_type}
                {assign var="player" value="jrAudio_`$player_type`"}
                {if isset($player_type) && strlen($player_type) > 0}
                    {jrCore_media_player type=$player module="jrAudio" field="audio_file" search1="_profile_id = `$_items.0._profile_id`" search2="audio_album = `$_items.0.audio_album`" order_by="audio_file_track numerical_asc" limit="50" autoplay=$_conf.$ap}
                    {jrCore_media_player module="jrAudio" field="audio_file" search1="_profile_id = `$_items.0._profile_id`" search2="audio_album = `$_items.0.audio_album`" order_by="audio_file_track numerical_asc" limit="50" autoplay=$_conf.$ap}

Take a look at the error here
( Pause the top banner video/audio. It is set to auto start )

Click on either of the players underneath
It throws this error

An error was encountered loading the media URL

Any ideas? Has the code changed again?

Could be this in our custom tpl file

{if isset($_items)}
    {jrCore_media_player type="jrAudio_player_dark" module="prLoudFastShitty" field="loudfastshitty_podcast" items=$_items} 


updated by @madc: 05/28/16 05:52:06PM
05/13/15 04:34:59PM
600 posts

Upgrading YouTube to newest version 1.2.0


Hi Michael, Yeah my lifes been hectic lately. Catch you in IRC sometime eh?
Anyway we tested this remedy and everything is AOK. Cheers :D
05/12/15 07:48:43PM
600 posts

Upgrading YouTube to newest version 1.2.0


Thanks Michael. Will update and check it. Cheers
09/16/14 07:43:36AM
600 posts

active market

Using Jamroom

Yeah exactly.
I have seen User Accounts and another one ( now deleted from my inbox ) saying new updates available
We haven't updated anything since but it said they were available.
Nothing in system updates
09/16/14 07:11:02AM
600 posts

active market

Using Jamroom

Ok cool. Just that we were hammered this week with updates via our marketplace email and none are available tonight so wanted to make sure as no-one at our site has updated.
09/16/14 07:05:07AM
600 posts

active market

Using Jamroom

So the updates I got through email didn't exist?
User accounts etc?
as I haven't updated them
09/16/14 07:00:09AM
600 posts

active market

Using Jamroom

Yep Working here now :D
System updates is showing everything is up to date.
I received emails over the last 7 days with account updates etc.
So is that working?
updated by @madc: 09/16/14 07:02:22AM
09/16/14 06:40:07AM
600 posts

active market

Using Jamroom

I'm getting the same. Started a thread . Didn't realise this was here.
Deleted now.
Mine said

Quote: I have this error
Invalid Marketplace ID - please check Tools -> Marketplace Systems and ensure you are using the correct Marketplace ID (2)
Every time I go to Marketplace

I have checked my firewall ( Dedi ) and turned it off and rebooted my server - No difference
I have reloaded modules - same error
Seems to have come out of the blue as I am the only one that does any updates etc or server mgmt so bit confused on this one.

Anyone have any ideas how to resolve?
I noticed lately that I have been getting emails from JR saying User Accounts etc were available for update
Nothing is as marketplace aint working

So any help would be good.

I have so far cleared cache manually , Ran full integrity, Reloaded modules, Checked firewall and permissions.
What have I missed?
Custom site with Nova skin.


Cleared my cache again manually
Now it says

An error was encountered trying to communicate with the Active Marketplace
make sure the Marketplace URL is set correctly in Tools -> Marketplace Systems.
updated by @madc: 09/16/14 06:48:02AM
08/30/14 02:18:46AM
600 posts

Audio Downloads not working right

Installation and Configuration

Yeah we did brian but it worked before update to 5.2 for some reason
08/22/14 11:56:28PM
600 posts

Search won't search within results

Installation and Configuration

Ok know this is weird. I can't make it show that in any browser???
I checked on Sauce labs In Windows 8 with ie10 as I am on mac and safari,chrome and firefox on my machine shows wether logged in or out
What OS and browser guys.
Can you check again for me?

Pictured below
- 114KB

updated by @madc: 08/22/14 11:57:25PM