Feature request - Finding active ex-Ning members (Still) in default quota
Using Jamroom
I think the way I look at these is by thinking of them as categories and these categories have sub categories which are the modules in those.
So if we imagine we have an entertainers quota then say a general quota, these we could call Profile Categories. So we have two main categories to start with.
Profile Categories = Entertainers & General.
Next we want to give these profile categories some things to use in them so we can add some subcategories to them ( modules )
Lets say for the entertainers category we want that category to have music, video & blog.
And for the general we want to add, forum, blog, photos.
So now we have two main profile categories with some subcategories.
So these in quota terms would be one quota is the entertainers quota and the other would be the general quota.
So an entertainer joins your site so they ( or you ) select the entertainer quota, so in that profile on their menu they will see: Music Video Blog as these are the modules we added to that category ( quota )
So if a user joins your site and is just a normal user then they might choose the general category ( quota ) and they will have on their menu: Forum Blog Photos.
Ok so now if you have allowed members to create more than one profile they can now do something like this.
Suppose an user joins and is an entertainer so they have chosen the entertainers category ( quota ) so they can add something about them and show some music etc or whatever they want to add. This member may also want to participate in the site also as a general member. So they would create another profile and select the general category ( quota ). Now this member has two profiles on your site which each have different options for them to use in their profiles menu whichever profile they want to post information to.
So in summary this ONE member now has two profiles of which each profile has different options to use to post items to the site. They are the same account holder but just using two different profiles depending on the content they want to post. In the members profils listing they will list as two different profiles. This works well because lets say you create another tab to list the entertainers. So you would have one list of general profiles and another for alist of the entertainers.
Another way to use the quota system would be for let's say admin privilages, so you would set up a quota giving special modules and access options for a admins quota. So an admin could have two quota profiles one for their admin side and one for thier general useage side.
And finally you might decide to have diffferent levels of membership and this is also another way to use quotas. So you may have three types of level
VIP Member
So these would be your main categories ( quotas ) and next you would add some subcategories ( modules ) for each of these giving each memberships level more modules to use.
Well that's my way in looking at the quota system as when I first started using Jamroom the name 'quota' had me a little puzzled until I looked at it this way.