Changed Folder name - Can't Login or Load Charts/templates - After JR6 update
Installation and Configuration
Hmm, sorted issue with folder rename. Appeared to be a strange local cache/cookie issue after the folder rename.
Ahh and I see from your link above regarding the templates which now makes sense. So the templates can be "Reset" if need be. Cheers.
"These template alterations will be stored in the database, not a file.
This has 2 effects. One is that it makes it easy to revert to the default original file that is stored in the file system. A bonus if you make a mistake that breaks something.
and Two, that it makes it difficult to hire a developer to come and fix stuff for you because they will be wanting to work with files. If you are going to do extensive changes to your Jamroom site, editing the files via FTP is the recommended method. "
updated by @globalemceen: 01/03/17 03:07:08AM