Forum Activity for @isleander

04/07/21 05:45:43AM
558 posts

Moving to Jamroom Server

Ning To Jamroom

Thank you Paul.

The Jamroom site I have in mind is at - However, I have other domains hosted in subdirectories at, and also I another Jamroom site in a subdirectory. I imagine, from what you have said (above) that it would not be possible to include/host those domains on the same Jamroom server.
Image 07-04-2021 at 14.44.jpg Image 07-04-2021 at 14.44.jpg - 156KB
04/07/21 01:40:11AM
558 posts

Moving to Jamroom Server

Ning To Jamroom

You can see by the attached image why I'm seriously considering moving to a Jamroom server, but need more advice.
I have two hosting packages with Arvixe (, one that I use for my Jamroom sites.
Can I move these to a Jamroom server without loosing content, especially my Jamroom sites?
How long will the process take?
Plus lots of other questions...
Image 07-04-2021 at 10.25.jpg Image 07-04-2021 at 10.25.jpg - 228KB

updated by @isleander: 07/09/21 08:47:07AM
04/05/21 02:22:47PM
558 posts

iFrame Embedded Videos

Ning To Jamroom

Thank you Michael- that solved it!
04/03/21 06:11:05AM
558 posts

iFrame Embedded Videos

Ning To Jamroom

Whats the URL of the page where it should be showing but is not?

Hello Michael,
I have tried embedding iFrame content (videos) into blogs, groups, forum, etc. but for some reason they seem to disappear when posting or saving the content.

Here is one that I just tried -
03/31/21 11:13:14PM
558 posts

iFrame Embedded Videos

Ning To Jamroom

I’ve been struggling with embedded videos - I believe everything is set up correctly but the embedded videos disappear upon “save”. Please see images. Any suggestions?
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updated by @isleander: 07/09/21 01:23:42PM
03/21/21 03:01:10PM
558 posts

Can I enlarge video image in "Latest Videos" widget?

Ning To Jamroom

The size of the image is being limited by the specified column widths of the page.
Look a few lines before the image code and you'll see a div class="col2" with the right hand text in a class="col10"
Adjust these classes such that the column total is always 12 and the image should occupy the full column width specified.

Worked a treat! Thank you Paul!
03/20/21 03:13:36PM
558 posts

Can I enlarge video image in "Latest Videos" widget?

Ning To Jamroom

Was that page created with SiteBuilder?
If so it is going to be a widget template.
Hope this helps!

Yes, Site Builder,
So at present the only ref. to image size in the widget code that I can see is “size=large” (please see image). Is that where to change the image size? and if so, how exactly would I do that?

Thanks again!
F53CDE38-1610-4DF6-934D-4347A3202F80.jpeg F53CDE38-1610-4DF6-934D-4347A3202F80.jpeg - 454KB
03/20/21 03:56:44AM
558 posts

Can I enlarge video image in "Latest Videos" widget?

Ning To Jamroom

Probably this then.... (image).
However, not seeing anywhere to resize the image.
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updated by @isleander: 03/20/21 04:24:00AM
03/19/21 03:38:24PM
558 posts

Can I enlarge video image in "Latest Videos" widget?

Ning To Jamroom

Hello again,

Been trying to find the answer to this - unsuccessfully though.

I would like to increase the size of the video image (not the actual video) that appears in the "Latest Videos" widget. I have attached a screenshot.

Thank you for your continual help!
VideoSize.jpg VideoSize.jpg - 51KB

updated by @isleander: 06/20/21 04:47:19AM
03/17/21 02:26:25AM
558 posts

Add scroll bar to activity

Ning To Jamroom

If yu are using SiteBuilder, if you click on the Container Settings button and enter a fixed height in pixels, a scrollbar will show if the contents exceed the size of the container.
Does that help?

OK. Thanks Paul. The default was set at 900, I’ve reduced this to 600, and although it doesn’t reveal a “scroll bar” it does scroll now.