Forum Activity for @isleander

09/13/21 09:07:59AM
558 posts

Show Members who are online on Front/Index page

Using Jamroom

Hello Douglas,

I've looked at the documentation, but can't see a way of adding " jrUser_online_status " to the HTML Editor. I assume I would have to add something in the Source Code? At a bit of a loss here!
Image 13-09-2021 at 18.07.jpg Image 13-09-2021 at 18.07.jpg - 111KB
09/13/21 06:49:03AM
558 posts

Show Members who are online on Front/Index page

Using Jamroom

I was hoping to show which users are actually online (member profiles) on the front page.
But it only shows my own profile when other members are online - is it possible to show all active members?
Image 13-09-2021 at 15.47.jpg Image 13-09-2021 at 15.47.jpg - 92KB

updated by @isleander: 12/17/21 10:09:39AM
09/11/21 09:31:31PM
558 posts


Using Jamroom

Sorted. Thank you.
09/11/21 06:56:40AM
558 posts


Using Jamroom

Thanks again.
Sign in option was set to "compact" which meant that the Form Designer was not showing.
09/10/21 03:41:16PM
558 posts


Using Jamroom

I'd like to add a few things to this template - user_signup.tpl, like "location" and "gender".

I tried adding this* for location, but as it doesn't work, obviously it's not correct.

Should I change the "ID" (circled), and to what?

Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you.

updated by @isleander: 12/12/21 05:51:07PM
09/06/21 05:26:54PM
558 posts

Still Baffled

Using Jamroom

Thank you Michael for explaining it so clearly.
I suppose people’s Blogs could function in a similar way to what I was thinking.
Thanks again - Alex.
09/06/21 04:00:02AM
558 posts

Still Baffled

Using Jamroom

Even though I’ve been using Jamroom now for several years I am still at a loss as to why people cannot post to the profiles of other users that they follow. I’d like for our users to be able to do this.
Is this associated some how with the timeline settings?

Thank you.

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updated by @isleander: 12/06/21 06:12:57PM