Forum Activity for @strumelia

06/20/18 06:23:11AM
3,603 posts

auto-follow a discussion when you've posted to it

Using Jamroom

These fixes for Forums and Groups are really going to have a SIGNIFICANT effect on member participation, for many JR site owners. Because it was working for me (as Admin), I always assumed the 'auto-follow thread' worked for all members but only recently discovered it wasn't. :(
But now (as I suspect it was intended to be), ALL members who posted in a discussion they were interested in, but later drifted away, will now by default be informed if that discussion gets new posts.

On my site we have a lot of Groups and Forum threads that have subjects and valuable info that gets added to over time by various members. I'm SO pleased you gentlemen have created fixes for both Group and Forum discussions! :D
06/14/18 09:18:22AM
3,603 posts

Followers sometimes get doubled listing in 'my followers' list

Using Jamroom

Ok thank you for your help... I did this as you suggest Michael. I then did integrity check, also cleared cache, also did a browser hard refresh, closed and reopened browser. It does not seem to help in any way.

Here's what's happening.. and I'm seeing it on various member profiles, but this is a good example one to see it happening on: She's the regular member who wrote to me many weeks ago that she was seeing this on her profile and on other member profiles.

When I am logged in as Master admin (Strumelia), or as my OTHER 'test' Master admin (Martha Campbell)... I do NOT see double Follower avatars anywhere- on my own profile or other member profiles.

I DO see the double avatars (on other people's profile pages and on my own) in all these other instances:
- when logged OUT
- when logged in as my test Profile Admin
- when logged in as my new 'test' regular member (that I created from scratch yesterday, unrelated to any admin accounts)
- plus, regular member Ariane is reporting to me that she still sees the doubles on her own and other member profiles, despite the fixes above that I've applied so far.

Should I maybe open a support ticket on this and give you logins for the various test accounts I have in different quotas?
Oh, here again is the screenshot on what is being seen for example on real member Ariane's Follow page:

twins.jpg twins.jpg - 334KB

updated by @strumelia: 06/14/18 09:19:19AM
06/13/18 09:04:30AM
3,603 posts

Followers sometimes get doubled listing in 'my followers' list

Using Jamroom

I'm afraid I have to revisit this issue, because I've had some regular members report that they are STILL seeing doubled follower avatars in both locations, despite hard refreshing browsers and integ checks etc.
It appears that in doing the above fixes, it has only fixed the issue for myself (Admin) and for my regular test member -that test profile was created long ago by a former Admin, so apparently retains some 'stuck' attributes that are messing up my objective view. Using that particular test member caused me to believe this issue was solved... but it's not solved.

After receiving new reports of the double avatar from a real regular member, I just now created a new 'test' regular member from scratch (one that was not created by me as master admin as a sub-profile), and when logged in as that new test member I too now see the double avatars in both places... see SCREENSHOT attached here.
One can also easily see the double avatars identical to the screenshot when NOT logged in at all... see here on a sample of a random member profile page showing twin follower avatars in the TWO places: both her "My Followers" TAB and also in her profile sidebar 'latest followers' grid:

So it seems the fixes above that I've applied have only fixed it for site viewers that are Admin-associated.
twins.jpg twins.jpg - 334KB

updated by @strumelia: 06/13/18 09:05:43AM
06/13/18 07:43:00AM
3,603 posts

Help removing pager

Using Jamroom

Yes that worked. It's gone. Marking this 'solved'.
Thank you Douglas, Michael... and Steve! :)
updated by @strumelia: 06/13/18 07:44:17AM
06/12/18 03:57:47PM
3,603 posts

Help removing pager

Using Jamroom

Douglas thank you so much- but one question before I do this-
doing what you suggest will remove the pager from my site's main index page section for Latest Forum posts.... but will NOT remove the pager from the 'mother page' which is:
...right? (I don't want to remove the pager from that 'mother' page.... only from the main site index page widget)
So, which of those pages does the index_forum.tpl actually control?
updated by @strumelia: 06/12/18 04:58:15PM
06/12/18 01:59:55PM
3,603 posts

Help removing pager

Using Jamroom

I put a QQQQ right BEFORE that core list function, and the QQQQ appears at the TOP of the section's forum posts there in that block/section, right below the section's Title bar. Then I put the QQQQ right AFTER the core list call, and the Qs appeared right UNDERneath the pager I'm trying to get rid of.

I'm not seeing any pager in the template after the code lines in question. It just goes on to create the remaining blocks of content in different areas, but no specific paging mentions.
This has got me all like scratchin' ma head. =8-\
06/12/18 12:46:04PM
3,603 posts

auto-follow a discussion when you've posted to it

Using Jamroom

The fix in jrForum 2.2.6 seems to have fixed the problem for Forums, Michael... YAY!! :)

However- I am still seeing the problem occurring in GROUP Discussions. When a regular member joins a Group and then makes a new post in an existing group discussion, they are not automatically set to be 'following' that thread.

How can we fix this for Group discussions as well?
updated by @strumelia: 06/13/18 09:36:01AM
06/12/18 12:17:46PM
3,603 posts

Followers sometimes get doubled listing in 'my followers' list

Using Jamroom

Ok, so after getting sidetracked for a few weeks, I came back to this and (finally) figured out to apply your code snippet to my custom skin template: profile_sidebar.tpl the 'followers' core list call section there. It worked- thank you! All solved. :D
06/12/18 11:07:07AM
3,603 posts

Help removing pager

Using Jamroom

Thanks Steve.
At first before posting this thread, I had removed some end code from that section in my custom skin Index.tmpl
going from:
<div style="{if !jrCore_is_mobile_device()}height:985px;overflow-y:scroll;overflow-x:hidden;{/if}padding:0 10px;margin-right: 10px">
                {jrCore_list module="jrForum" quota_check=false search="forum_post_count > 0" order_by="forum_updated desc" template="index_forum.tpl" pagebreak=$post_pb page=$_post.p}
<div style="{if !jrCore_is_mobile_device()}height:985px;overflow-y:scroll;overflow-x:hidden;{/if}padding:0 10px;margin-right: 10px">
                {jrCore_list module="jrForum" quota_check=false search="forum_post_count > 0" order_by="forum_updated desc" template="index_forum.tpl"}
that did not work.
Then, as you suggested, I removed only the "page =...p" part of it. That didn't work either.
Finally I put it back as it was originally and added the pager false part you suggested, so it was like this:
<div style="{if !jrCore_is_mobile_device()}height:985px;overflow-y:scroll;overflow-x:hidden;{/if}padding:0 10px;margin-right: 10px">
                {jrCore_list module="jrForum" quota_check=false search="forum_post_count > 0" order_by="forum_updated desc" template="index_forum.tpl" pagebreak=$post_pb page=$_post.p pager="false"}
but that did not work either.
sigh... this is so stupid.
updated by @strumelia: 06/12/18 11:09:32AM
06/12/18 09:34:49AM
3,603 posts

Help removing pager

Using Jamroom

I use a profile named "forums" to own my site's forums.
On my site's main/index page, ( ) ...I have a section block in the bottom left corner for showing latest forum posts. It's set to show 30 posts, and has a scrollbar on the right. If you scroll all the way down to the last (30th) post there, there's an old pager that doesn't function correctly -and I'd like to simply remove that pager.

This sounds so dumb, but I'm not finding the code for that pager in my custom skin's Index.tpl ...which is where I would normally look for something like this. I've looked around various other templates too, used an inspector.... yet still can't figure out WHERE it is so I can remove the pager only from that location. D'oh!

NOTE: I do NOT want to remove that pager from the actual 'latest forum posts by Forums profile' page, which is here: The pager on THAT page works correctly and I need to leave it there undisturbed. ...I ONLY want to remove the pager from the one widget/block on my site's main index page. I'm attaching a screenshot of the pager I want to remove from my site's main page.

Here is the code from my custom skin Index.tmpl that refers to that section/block, it's where I started looking first for the pager code to remove it, but I can't see any reference to a pager there:
{* BEGIN Latest Forum Posts Section *}
    {if isset($_conf.mdFOTMD_March4_2018_top_discuss_active) && $_conf.mdFOTMD_March4_2018_top_discuss_active == 'on'}
        {if isset($_conf.mdFOTMD_March4_2018_top_discuss_limit) && $_conf.mdFOTMD_March4_2018_top_discuss_limit > 5}
            {assign var="post_pb" value=$_conf.mdFOTMD_March4_2018_top_discuss_limit}
            {assign var="post_pb" value="5"}
        <div class="col5">
            <div class="title" style="margin:10px;">
                <h2>{jrCore_lang skin=$_conf.jrCore_active_skin id="20" default="Latest"} {jrCore_lang skin=$_conf.jrCore_active_skin id="42" default="Forum Posts"}{if strlen($_conf.mdFOTMD_March4_2018_forum_profile) > 0} &nbsp; <span class="normal"><a href="{$_conf.mdFOTMD_March4_2018_forum_profile}">{jrCore_lang skin=$_conf.jrCore_active_skin id="30" default="All"}</a></span>{/if}</h2>
            <div style="{if !jrCore_is_mobile_device()}height:950px;overflow-y:scroll;overflow-x:hidden;{/if}padding:0 10px;margin-right: 10px">
                {jrCore_list module="jrForum" quota_check=false search="forum_post_count > 0" order_by="forum_updated desc" template="index_forum.tpl" pagebreak=$post_pb page=$_post.p}
    {* END Latest Forum Posts Section *}

pager.jpg pager.jpg - 108KB

updated by @strumelia: 09/13/18 02:02:42AM