Forum Activity for @strumelia

01/16/19 02:35:06PM
3,603 posts

question about moving group/forum threads

Using Jamroom

I felt I should report some unexpected/undesireable results when I used one of these moving tools recently.

I had 4 Forum categories that had hundreds of disussions each, but each category had a corresponding GROUP covering basically the same subject matter as its Forum counterpart. So, I wanted to DELETE the forum categories after first MOVING all the forum discussions to their respective GROUPS first.
This I did. I worked on one Forum category at a time, transferring the discussions in it to its appropriate Group, using the "Transfer Forum Topic" tool available in the Group Discussions module.
Each time a discussion was transferred, the tool said the discussion 'owner' would be notified of the move, which was perfect.
I moved hundreds of discussions by the time all was said and done, and i was glad for the provided ability to shift-select several dozen discussions at a time to move them in bulk. That meant I was all done in about an hour, which was great!

Then... my moderators started reporting to me that they were receiving dozens to hundreds of notifications of the moves... most for discussions they had not created at all, and apparently some they had not even posted in. Other members reported getting dozens of such notifications as well, several hundred in a couple of cases - most I will never know about.
But when I went to my Mailgun log, I was shocked to see 17,000 emails had gone out within that hour. =8-o Normally we never even hit the free 10,000 limit for a MONTH.
I contacted Mailgun and they seemed to not be upset and did not take action.
I'm sure I must have pissed many members but I'll never hear from them. A couple of them I did but they were quite polite.
Anyway, I never expected this side effect when using that tool. I've only moved the occasional discussion before this, but folks need to be aware if they plan the move hundreds of discussions.
I'm not sure I could track down any 'pattern' for the glitch, as it didn't seem to make lots of sense- for example one moderator got hundreds, yet I only got a couple dozen total. And I have started more discussions than almost anyone during the 9 years of my site.
Maybe you could run a little check on the function of that "transfer forum topic" tool in Group Discussion? It did transfer the discussions nicely... but sent out waaaaay too many notifications that were not just sent to the discussion creators.
01/11/19 08:35:58AM
3,603 posts

member avatars in group discussions fuzzy

Using Jamroom

Yes, I understand better now. Thank you Michael! :)
01/11/19 08:33:25AM
3,603 posts

question about moving group/forum threads

Using Jamroom

Thanks Paul, very good to know before I 'experiment' on things. I was a little unsure particularly about the forum-to-group. :D
I remember asking for some of these tools a couple years ago, and you guys came through. There's forum/forum-category switch, group-to-other group, forum-to-group, and group-to-forum moving tools. The tools from forum-to-group and vice versa are not found in the same expected locations, and sometimes I have to search for the tool again...but I imagine that's because group discussions are not really 'threads' but rather are items with comments on them. I can certainly live with the thread-moving tools being found in different places.

I find all those thread-moving tools Jamroom has given us to be HUGELY useful, for example when a forum thread about wood curing was cluelessly created in a group about musicians with disabilities or something.
Thanks so much for these tools!
01/10/19 07:32:06PM
3,603 posts

question about moving group/forum threads

Using Jamroom

Thanks for the logic thoughts Michael.
I'm thinking of consolidating two Group with over a dozen discussions each, so I'd have to move the threads. I'll need to think about this. Thanks!
01/10/19 06:25:18PM
3,603 posts

question about moving group/forum threads

Using Jamroom

I have the JR tools to move a Forum discussion into a Group. Would doing that automatically make all the thread posters of that moved forum thread Members of the Group then, without them having to actually join the group on their own? Would they then show up among the group members list simply by moving the discussion there?

And the same question for if I move a discussion from one Group to another- do all the people who posted in that discussion then become members (join) the Group that now contains the discussion? And do they get "un-joined' from the original Group that housed the discussion? (assuming they had no other posts in other group threads there)
updated by @strumelia: 04/19/19 06:32:43PM
01/10/19 08:06:00AM
3,603 posts

member avatars in group discussions fuzzy

Using Jamroom

Ok, it's interesting: when I previously tried changing those two instances simply from "xsmall" to "small", the images there became way too big and were still all fuzzy.
However when i changed the "size=" part from simply "size=xsmall" to "size="small" width="48" height="48", the images were a little too large but were now crisp and clear. So then I tried making the 48's into 40's, ...and now it's perfect size and nice and sharp looking. Kept the "auto crop" parts in as well.

Weird that "xsmall" by itself was fuzzy, but "small" with including the specified dimensions which were nearly the same size as xsmall produced a clear image.
Is there a known reason why 'some' of these user images in Groups suddenly became blurry at a point in time a few weeks ago? Just curious.

Thanks again- and I'll mark this 'solved' again. Unless I find yet another instance somewhere in the Groups that I can't figure out myself now where/how to fix the code. =8-p
01/09/19 01:45:44PM
3,603 posts

member avatars in group discussions fuzzy

Using Jamroom

Ugh, my apologies! I hate to reopen this one more time, but....

There's one more place in Groups where I see the member profile images are still blurry/toosmall/fuzzy.
On the Group's main page, there's a block on the right column with a grid of small member profile images.
They used to be nice a clear... now seem smaller and fuzzier.
See my screenshot below.

I've figured out that these images may be controlled in the jrGroup item_detail.tpl. It 'seems to be' where it calls for user images to be "xsmall" in two lines. Yet when I change the code to "small" instead of "xsmall", it simply makes the images TOO big, and still blurry. Can you help me? Note also that I have two custom SKIN override templates called jrGroup_item_detail.tpl and jrGroups_item_detail.tpl ...I suspect the one called "jrGroups"-with an s, is a 'mistake template' from way long ago, but I've always been afraid to just delete it.
Here's the code in question in my jrGroup item_detail.tpl , and below is the screenshot of where the problem shows up.
                <div class="title">
                    <h3>{jrCore_lang module="jrGroup" id=13 default="Members"}</h3> &nbsp; <strong><small><a href="{$jamroom_url}/{$item.profile_url}/{$murl}/members/{$item._item_id}/{$item.group_title_url}">{jrCore_lang module="jrGroup" id=70 default="View All"}</a></small></strong>
                <div class="item">
                {foreach $item.group_member as $id => $member}
                	{if $member@index < $_conf.jrGroup_max_images}
                        {if $member.member_status == 0}{jrCore_lang module="jrGroup" id=71 default="pending" assign="status"}{elseif $member.member_status == 1}{jrCore_lang module="jrGroup" id=63 default="active" assign="status"}{else}{jrCore_lang module="jrGroup" id=72 default="pending deletion" assign="status"}{/if}
                        	{if jrProfile_is_profile_owner($item._profile_id)}
                            	<a href="{$jamroom_url}/{$murl}/user_config/group_id={$item._item_id}/user_id={$member.member_user_id}">{jrCore_module_function function="jrImage_display" module="jrUser" type="user_image" item_id=$member.member_user_id size="xsmall" crop="auto" title="@{$member.profile_name} ({$status})" alt="@{$member.profile_name} ({$status})" class="img-{$member.member_status}" style="float:left"}</a>
                            {if $member.member_status != 0}
                                <a href="{$jamroom_url}/{$member.profile_url}">{jrCore_module_function function="jrImage_display" module="jrUser" type="user_image" item_id=$member.member_user_id size="xsmall" crop="auto" title="@{$member.profile_name}" alt="@{$member.profile_name}" class="img-1" style="float:left"}</a>
                <div style="clear:both"></div>

group-members-widget.jpg group-members-widget.jpg - 490KB
01/08/19 04:37:46PM
3,603 posts

member avatars in group discussions fuzzy

Using Jamroom

Douglas, it all looks much, much better now. I carried the changes you made to three jrComment templates onto my other jr site, and it worked fine.
I had been looking all over in the templates of the jrGroup and jrGroupdiscuss modules for these user image settings.... I forgot that Group discussion replies are actually just COMMENTS (the first post of the discussion itself being the 'item' being commented on), they're not true forum posts. If I had remembered that, I might have looked in the jrComment module templates.
But I think you fixed it better than I could have anyway.
Thank you very much! I'll mark this solved now. :D
updated by @strumelia: 01/08/19 06:41:07PM
01/08/19 02:16:37PM
3,603 posts

banned items email wildcards and preview changes


I think that would be a useful short pointer to add to the help text that pops up... banning emails from a specific country suffix you choose, such as *.ru
01/08/19 12:51:14PM
3,603 posts

member avatars in group discussions fuzzy

Using Jamroom

I should add that once I get these group avatars looking good, I'll need to duplicate the fixes in this thread onto my other jr site, which has the same issues. Thanks!