Forum Activity for @strumelia

02/24/19 11:41:56AM
3,603 posts

new question on re-ordering gallery images

Using Jamroom

I read this whole thread:
and it just left me confused.
I have 'allow image reordering' set ON in my galleries module for all quotas. Have had it set that way for a long time.
I have some old galleries and also just now made some new galleries with new uploaded images.
I get to an 'edit gallery' page as shown in my screenshot below, and when i click/hold my mouse on an image I can actually move it around, but when i let go of the mouse, it just jumps back to where it was and won't be moved to where I wanted to change its gallery sequence position.
I'm not understanding. Can I re-order the images in a gallery or not?
Here's the sample location in a gallery, the page where I'm trying to do so from:
gallery.png gallery.png - 560KB

updated by @strumelia: 05/29/19 12:03:11PM
02/13/19 01:49:49PM
3,603 posts

modules not working in system check

Installation and Configuration

Jamroom support is the best in the world. :)
02/07/19 06:37:31PM
3,603 posts

'account delete' no longer deletes profile, only user

Using Jamroom

Lorna- re: the spammers... when you add an IP to your Banned list, you need not add just that one IP such as Instead, ban a RANGE of IPs that cover a medium sized geographic area surrounding the spammer.
If they are say in Romania or Nigeria, then unless your website has various members legitimately from there, it's safe to ban a range in this way: 209.61.151 or 209.61.15 instead of the whole specific IP. Just take 3 or four numbers off the end of the IP and it'll ban all IPs within miles around there. Don't ban too broad by removing too many end numbers, or you might wind up banning a whole continent! You can google how to ban an IP range... and we can enter this into our Jamroom Ban module.
02/07/19 05:25:20PM
3,603 posts

'account delete' no longer deletes profile, only user

Using Jamroom

Yes I was experiencing this yesterday as well. Made me pull my hair out, because it was in effect preventing me from deleting the person altogether and getting them off the pending list. I think I finally got rid of them by going into both the profile browser and the user browser separately and deleting them from there, 2 step process. But could not delete them from the Pending list until I did that. (i think I got that straight... Lorna?)
01/29/19 07:12:56AM
3,603 posts

question about latest jrComment update

Using Jamroom

Good to know!
I guess most folks who added the RB module would want to USE it rather than have it disabled, so yeah it likely didn't effect many people at all.
Thanks! :)
01/29/19 06:34:41AM
3,603 posts

question about latest jrComment update

Using Jamroom

The latest update to Comments says:
User Comments module change log
Version 2.1.2:
- Change: Performance updates when deleting comments on a system with a very large number of comments
- Bug Fix: File attachments on comments may not be moved to the recycle Bin in some cases
I'm wondering whether that bug fix means that I have been storing hundreds, perhaps thousands, of attached files from long since deleted comments on my site? Or is it just that they got deleted from the server right away, without sitting in the recycle bin for a while along with the deleted comment itself?
Particularly since I use Groups a whole lot- and ALL the posts in Group discussions are actually Comments. My music site has several thousand members and they love to attach big photos, music files, etc to their posts/comments all the time.

What happened to all those prior file attachments that didn't get moved to the recycle bin? Did they get deleted from my server when I deleted a group discussion or a comment, or did the attached files stay on my server?
I worry that all these files have wound up taking up space on my server, forever in limbo as orphan files that I can't identify and dump.
If so, do they eventually get deleted when the member who posted them in a comment gets deleted from my site? Or have they lost their connection to anything?
Any clarification as to what actually happened to these attached files is appreciated, thanks!
updated by @strumelia: 05/02/19 02:56:23PM
01/28/19 03:51:01PM
3,603 posts

Hide/un-publish a post in the forum

Using Jamroom

Using the Change Owner tool would just change ownership of the topic - it wouldn't remove it.
I was thinking you could change it to be owned by a special profile you make that is 'inactive'- so only Admins could see any content owned by that profile. Once you wanted the topic showing again, you could return it to its original 'active' owner.

Hey those new tools sound good. :)
01/28/19 11:32:38AM
3,603 posts

Hide/un-publish a post in the forum

Using Jamroom

Hey Dave, do you by any chance mean a thread or discussion in your forum, rather than a single post in a discussion? Just wondering, because if you actually meant a whole forum discussion, you could do it by using 'change owner'.
I'm also wondering because you used the word "un-publish" which made me think that maybe you are referring to a Blog post, not a forum post.
Just checking.
01/19/19 05:15:12AM
3,603 posts

downloaded Attached files stripped of "." from the file name

Using Jamroom

Just installed the new version of Core and tested this attachment bug-
It's fixed, thank you !! :D
01/16/19 02:40:27PM
3,603 posts

Moving a media image file

Jamroom Developers

I use the Change Owner module often, it's so helpful! Just this week i changed the owner of a longtime 'Group' that has a lot of valuable site content, because the original group owner had drifted away from my site. In effect I could 'give' the group to a new more active member to oversee, thus ensuring the survival of the group and its content.
BTW you don't see the tools in the ChangeOwner module itself, you just make it 'active' with the checkbox, and then... once active, you go to various modules like group, forum, comment, image, etc... and you'll then find "change owner" as one of the options under the Tools section of that module.
updated by @strumelia: 01/16/19 02:44:19PM