Forum Activity for @strumelia

02/08/20 10:33:43AM
3,603 posts

simple backup function question

Using Jamroom

Paul, how do I 'check' that it's not? As i said, during the backup process, the window zooms through a huge list of lines saying "backing up media files for profile ID ____ ...." with numbers for each line going all the way up to about 6900.
This stuff in the 'Manual backup' is stored on my JR server, not the amazon S3, correct? -- my DAILY auto backups are set to the S3 bucket, but my HOURLY backups are NOT checked to save to S3, so I guess they save to the JR server. But where do the manual backups save to?...the S3 i'm guessing?
02/08/20 10:02:12AM
3,603 posts

profile menu question

Using Jamroom

Here is how the thing looks/works:
02/08/20 09:30:18AM
3,603 posts

profile menu question

Using Jamroom

A long while back I added an item to my members' profile drop down menu that said "Pending Followers:__" and it would also list the number of pending followers they had waiting. If none, then no number would show.
I believe the code is only in my custom skin's "menu.tpl" template, which I'll paste the code below. The custom snippet is not present in the Ninja menu.tpl, of course.
The function seems to have stopped working at some point, not sure when. Usually this is due to an update to jamroom templates and my custom skin lagging behind somehow.

I'm a little hazy as to how/where to fix this issue? Are you able to remind me of what to do based on seeing this custom code i put in my custom skin menu.tpl ? It was such a nice little feature to have, I hate to have to remove the menu item due to its no longer working right.
Here is the code for that template that i had set up, it used to work great:

{foreach from=$_items name="loop" item="entry"}
    {if isset($entry.menu_function_result) && strlen($entry.menu_function_result) > 0}
        {if is_numeric($entry.menu_function_result)}
        <li><a href="{$entry.menu_url}">{$entry.menu_label} [{$entry.menu_function_result}]</a></li>
        <li><a href="{$entry.menu_url}">{$entry.menu_label} <img src="{$entry.menu_function_result}" alt="{$entry.menu_label}"></a></li>

{if $entry.menu_label == "Private Messages"}
       {* CUSTOM CODE for pending followers in menu HERE *}
    {if jrUser_is_logged_in()}
    <li><a href="{$jamroom_url}/{$_user.profile_url}/follow">Pending Followers: {jrCore_list module="jrFollower" search1="follow_profile_id = `$_user._profile_id`" search2="follow_active = 0" return_count=true no_cache=true}</a></li>

    <li><a href="{$entry.menu_url}">{$entry.menu_label}</a></li>

updated by @strumelia: 06/28/20 09:02:58AM
02/08/20 09:16:25AM
3,603 posts

simple backup function question

Using Jamroom

When I perform a manual system backup and check all the boxes, the backup process tells me it has backed up the media files for Profiles with ID # ___ etc etc. But it lists the Profile ID numbers all the way up to 6900. I only have about 2800 current members, in the past I have deleted/removed several thousand obsolete members.
I'm wondering if this "backing up media files for..." process means that i am still storing defunct media files for thousands of deleted members...? OR does it mean nothing more than: the system is still acknowledging those old Profile ID numbers so it does not duplicate them for new members? (because i know profile ID #s are used once to label every member and don't reflect the actual current number of existing active members)

Anyway, I'm hoping I'm not still storing deleted members' media files? Should I check on this? I believe I long ago checked the box to YES remove a member's content if the member was removed, but I can't recall where that option is found so I can again double check it.
updated by @strumelia: 05/08/20 03:49:43PM
01/29/20 01:23:32PM
3,603 posts

Adding a notification sound to SimpleChat?

Using Jamroom

Oh that's so cool! Thank you so much!
My members will be very happy to hear this is coming at some point. :) :D
I'm thinking you are referring to a sound that will play even when the chat window is 'forward' and expanded.. not behind other browser tabs. (I do get what youre saying about the popout/mobile.)
01/29/20 11:30:09AM
3,603 posts

Adding a notification sound to SimpleChat?

Using Jamroom

It will play a chime if you are not directly looking at chat - i.e. you are in another tab. There is no sense playing a chime when you are already ACTIVE in chat - trust me that becomes annoying :)
I agree, but one could just turn their computer sound off, or low.
Do you see what i mean, that my members want to be able to hear the new chat message alert if they are in their kitchen making coffee, or feeding their dog, or browsing the rest of the site? These are people who are at home during the day and want to greet a new member in chat if someone comes by unexpectedly... but they don't want to be staring at their screens for hours.
Is there a way the sound could play when the chat is in pop-out window mode? Or a setting choice to make the alert sound 'always' no matter if chat was 'focused' or not? That would be so great for them.
01/29/20 08:43:01AM
3,603 posts

Adding a notification sound to SimpleChat?

Using Jamroom

Ok, I set my Chrome to allow notifications for my site .com.
I also set my chat user settings to allow new message sounds.

What my members want is to be able to leave their chat window open and go in the next room to make coffee or whatever, and to be able to hear if a new chat message gets posted. BTW I think they'd be fine with turning their chat sound on and off once they remember their chat user settings location.
But... can they have the sound occur when the chat is in a popout window, or when the chat is in an EXPANDED view?

Brian- when you say "when you are in another tab..." do you mean like if I'm on chrome and looking at a news site in a different tab, while my chat window is OPEN/expanded on my tab?... or do you mean I can be on my site actively looking at things but my site's chat room window has to be 'collapsed' for the sound to occur?

Thanks for helping clarify this stuff, it can be confusing to describe.
01/29/20 07:09:01AM
3,603 posts

Adding a notification sound to SimpleChat?

Using Jamroom

I think most of my members who use chat a lot use it in its pop-out mode, in a separate window.
01/29/20 07:08:21AM
3,603 posts

Adding a notification sound to SimpleChat?

Using Jamroom

Nate, i don't know what you mean by in focus...?
01/29/20 07:04:57AM
3,603 posts

Adding a notification sound to SimpleChat?

Using Jamroom

Is anyone here on Chrome who can tell me if that works for them or where that setting might be found- are you saying it's found in the browser and not in the SimpleChat options, Douglas?
(I think most of my members are on Chrome browser. Some are on Macs, most are windows.)
updated by @strumelia: 01/29/20 07:07:41AM