profile menu question
Using Jamroom
A long while back I added an item to my members' profile drop down menu that said "Pending Followers:__" and it would also list the number of pending followers they had waiting. If none, then no number would show.
I believe the code is only in my custom skin's "menu.tpl" template, which I'll paste the code below. The custom snippet is not present in the Ninja menu.tpl, of course.
The function seems to have stopped working at some point, not sure when. Usually this is due to an update to jamroom templates and my custom skin lagging behind somehow.
I'm a little hazy as to how/where to fix this issue? Are you able to remind me of what to do based on seeing this custom code i put in my custom skin menu.tpl ? It was such a nice little feature to have, I hate to have to remove the menu item due to its no longer working right.
Here is the code for that template that i had set up, it used to work great:
{foreach from=$_items name="loop" item="entry"}
{if isset($entry.menu_function_result) && strlen($entry.menu_function_result) > 0}
{if is_numeric($entry.menu_function_result)}
<li><a href="{$entry.menu_url}">{$entry.menu_label} [{$entry.menu_function_result}]</a></li>
<li><a href="{$entry.menu_url}">{$entry.menu_label} <img src="{$entry.menu_function_result}" alt="{$entry.menu_label}"></a></li>
{if $entry.menu_label == "Private Messages"}
{* CUSTOM CODE for pending followers in menu HERE *}
{if jrUser_is_logged_in()}
<li><a href="{$jamroom_url}/{$_user.profile_url}/follow">Pending Followers: {jrCore_list module="jrFollower" search1="follow_profile_id = `$_user._profile_id`" search2="follow_active = 0" return_count=true no_cache=true}</a></li>
<li><a href="{$entry.menu_url}">{$entry.menu_label}</a></li>
updated by @strumelia: 06/28/20 09:02:58AM