Forum Activity for @strumelia

03/19/25 08:10:54AM
3,605 posts

making member invisible to others

Using Jamroom

Here's the thing Michael- this member has not misbehaved on my site, and they have genuine interest in my site's subject. However, their comments felt a bit odd to me, including their odd PMs to me... so I dug a little online to find out more about them. I found out that they themselves admitted to "harassing" people online and getting kicked off sites, and also they had posted a pretty gross 'kink' video elsewhere online publicly.
My members tend to be seniors and many of them are overly friendly and naive online. They feel safe on my site, and i feel I should protect them a little from becoming 'friends' by interacting with this person.
Yet, I don't want to just boot this person off and ban them, or obviously restrict them and make them angry... because I've had to endure in years past disgruntled members who turned to stalking me online after I removed them. Remember, this person wrote eleswhere that they had harassed others online in the past. Putting their comments on 'approval' or preventing them from commenting would make it obvious I was muzzling them.
As i've set things now, this person does not notice anything is different- they can post and comment and create content freely on my site.... but no one else sees their stuff except me and my moderators. So, instead of getting angry at me for restricting their ability to post stuff, instead they just think nobody is interested in responding to their comments. I'm hoping they just get bored by my 'unfriendly site' and go away eventually.
Then once i see they've not logged in for say 6-12 months, I can feel safer quietly deleting their account and banning their IP range and email.

Thanks for the pointer on how to remove the comment_text completely in the template. I may have to do that in the end (and put it back when he's gone maybe). BUT I swear there was a (non-template, non-code) setting somewhere that gave me 3 options: to either show a long sentence quote in the Notification emails, or no quote at all, or a very short quote. I recall choosing the long quote. I'm hoping to find that setting again and choose the short quote instead. Or, switch off the quote feature there in that easy setting, and set it back later. I just cannot find where that setting is. D'oh!

I'm also assuming there's no easy way to stop other members from receiving email notices whenever this *particular* person posts a comment on their stuff. Since the member is invisible to others otherwise, it'd be so great to not have their comments trigger notifications as well. But I won't turn off notifications for all members.

Thanks :)
03/18/25 10:34:07AM
3,605 posts

making member invisible to others

Using Jamroom

I have a member who I have made 'invisible' to other members by UNchecking their "profile Active" box on their profile settings. I've checked and that is working fine- as Admin I can see all their posts and content and page, but when I log in as a 'regular member' I cannot see any of that person's content... not even mentions of their content in my site's home page timeline. My (admin) moderators can see his content as well as me. All good. (I want them to not realize they've been deactivated... better for them to just think no one is interested in interacting with them, and hoping they'll get bored and drift away.)
BUT my question is about site notifications. I have a regular member who just wrote to me that she got an email notification that this person had left a comment on one of her photos. When she went to the photo to see the comment, she could not see it (that's good). However, in her notification it QUOTED the invisible member's name and most of their comment. (not good)
I remember long ago I adjusted my site's notifications to include a long text quote of a post or comment they were getting notified about. I remember i had choices there. I can't find where that setting is now. Where to find it please so I can reduce or eliminate the quote feature of the notification?
Ideally, the invisible/inactive person's posts and comments would not trigger email notifications to other members. But I realize that this might be part of mailgun which is not so much under jamroom control? Not sure. But I could live with things as they are if I can adjust the quote setting of Notifications.
Been looking but can't find the place for that setting... thanks!
08/16/24 12:22:15PM
3,605 posts


Off Topic

Good to hear this @Nate ! I wish you great happiness and wonderful life adventures. 🤗
12/24/22 07:49:53PM
3,605 posts

Add a private note compose button on displayed Profile Pages?


Hi PJ. I went through this a few years ago and successfully added a clickable 'envelope' image to my members' profile pages. You can see it under their profile pic on my site for example here in the left column (if you look at it from a laptop or desktop):
It works great on my site. --Not sure exactly where it shows on a phone, i hate scrolling and squinting my way through websites on a

If you can get through this rather loooog thread from 4 yrs ago, it shows what code and where i used for it:
09/06/22 11:33:47AM
3,605 posts

Mass Deleting of Accounts

Using Jamroom

Oh wow I really look forward to this added ability Michael. 🏼
08/02/22 07:40:54PM
3,605 posts

New Google Analytics

Using Jamroom

Thanks for the explanation Michael. :)
08/02/22 07:39:36PM
3,605 posts

what does the dash mean for last login date?

Using Jamroom

Thank you for this info Michael.
No harm then in my deleting those older members.
I can only tell if the 'dash' ones are from a long while ago by their user ID numbers... the lower numbers having joined my site longer ago. (I wouldn't want to delete someone who just joined a couple of months ago but hadn't revisited again yet since applying.)
08/02/22 09:27:51AM
3,605 posts

what does the dash mean for last login date?

Using Jamroom

"when the session is recreated"... does that mean when they log in again? Not sure what that means exactly.

I'm thinking it's that they never logged in after their application got approved, because many/most of these are people who got approved like a couple years ago already.
08/01/22 07:11:05PM
3,605 posts

what does the dash mean for last login date?

Using Jamroom

Looking in the User browser, I 'sort' users by date of last login.
There are a LOT of them that have only a little dash there.
What exactly does that mean?
Does it mean they applied to my site, but have NEVER logged in at all after i approved their membership?
updated by @strumelia: 11/01/22 08:51:54AM
08/01/22 06:40:03PM
3,605 posts

New Google Analytics

Using Jamroom

p.s. Hi perrie! :)