Trying out groups...
Ning To Jamroom
I'm not giving up, but my brain's melting a bit. Bearing in mind I have no prior experience of coding anything (apart from simple html and a bit of css), I'm struggling a bit here. Tried to use the forums, etc, so here's where I am:
i) I already had a Quota for cities (id = 2), so that's good.
ii) Got lots
iii)Creating templates. I think I see the principle of what JR needs to do. Initially, I couldn't see where you create a new template. Looking around, I found Aparna, and created a new module. In that module I adapted the item_list template to include the following:
{jrCore_list module="jrProfile" order_by="profile_name asc" search1="jr_profile_quota = 2" return_keys="profile_name"}
What I have no idea about is how to find out if this does anything like what I need it to/what you're suggesting. How can I test its output?
iv) Next to each profile name where?
v) Done
I'm sorry to appear so dim. It is clear to me that once I have my head around this - essentially I have to learn some coding - this is very powerful, and from the things that I can see from the jrCore_List tutorial, will be an excellent way to manage what will become a large database.
updated by @iamtimbo: 12/29/14 09:23:54AM