Forum Activity for @iamtimbo

02/06/15 08:33:14AM
301 posts

Images on profile tabs - is it possible?

Design and Skin Customization

I've got an image at {jrCore_image module="jrSlate" image="timeline.PNG"}. Is it possible to use custom images on the tabs to replace the text?
updated by @iamtimbo: 03/14/15 08:34:35AM
02/05/15 04:57:18AM
301 posts

Return all items in a long list

Using Jamroom

Done - I *knew* I'd seen the option somewhere!
02/05/15 02:38:37AM
301 posts

Return all items in a long list

Using Jamroom

Hi Michael,

I just collaged an image of the issue in different browsers, and the realised I can't upload it here! Go to and look at the big list on the left. To summarise:

In IE it's perfect
In Chrome and Safari the formatting changes between Nottington & Oakdale
In Firefox it only shows the first 128 or so on the list...

Combination.jpg Combination.jpg - 154KB

updated by @iamtimbo: 02/05/15 04:56:26AM
02/04/15 01:02:13PM
301 posts

Return all items in a long list

Using Jamroom

Hi Michael,

Yes - think I'm all good with the jrCore_list (at the moment!) and the pager - the issue is that I'm sorting a list that gives me 27 pages of results - and always will. Using a fixed height div with scroll bars works in principle, it's just that its behaving differently in IE, Firefox and Chrome, as in the second post....
02/04/15 08:36:03AM
301 posts

2 simple questions about private messaging/following

Ning To Jamroom

I've been playing - I think it's a case of using Aparna to create a module, copying the code from the Followers module, and then essentially reversing the lookup, but as I'm still only just getting my head around it all, I'm not currently sure what values to play with, and there's not a lot in the Followers module data store to play with....
02/04/15 07:51:39AM
301 posts

2 simple questions about private messaging/following

Ning To Jamroom

I suppose it may well depend on how many items might be in it! If someone is following hundreds of profiles, then listing them might be tricky, but I guess no different to how many might be following you.....

I think as a tab in the profile (like 'Followers' already is) would be the best - much easier then for an NC (sorry JRC) to format them as per the other outputs....
02/04/15 06:55:31AM
301 posts

Return all items in a long list

Using Jamroom

Hang on - update. This is a Firefox issue, sort of. Testing about:

Firefox - only shows the first 128 or so in the list
IE - Works fine
Chrome & Safari on iOS - Shows whole list but formats in different font size about two-thirds of the way down the list. You can see it at bewteen Nottington and Oakdale...
updated by @iamtimbo: 02/04/15 06:56:06AM
02/04/15 06:48:19AM
301 posts

2 simple questions about private messaging/following

Ning To Jamroom

Can I see who I'm following? I mean as opposed to who follows me?
02/04/15 06:21:53AM
301 posts

Return all items in a long list

Using Jamroom

I've added scrollbars to a list of results created via the Construction Kit, but no matter what value I set the limit to, it only returns the first 128 or so (lost count and kept inadvertently clicking on the links!).

I'll need to do this a lot on different pages, so is there a limit = none equivalent?
updated by @iamtimbo: 12/22/16 11:55:59AM
02/04/15 06:16:29AM
301 posts

Is there a maximum number of menus?

Using Jamroom

Perfect - thanks so much - they've all reappeared!