Forum Activity for @iamtimbo

02/13/15 08:11:08AM
301 posts

Will a ujGooglemaps map appear in a SiteBuilder panel?


Just to help me narrow down, this should work (it does elsewhere!), correct? This is from the beginning of item_list.tpl in the profile module:


{if isset($_items)}

{ujGoogleMaps_map module="jrCore" name="countywide" map=$_items height="300" width="100%" lat={$profile_latitude} lng={$profile_longitude} zoom="15" map_type=hybrid}

{foreach from=$_items item="item"}


Profile_latitude and profile_longitude already exist in each profile's entry, and according to the debug console are available for use in this call....
02/13/15 04:48:28AM
301 posts

Will a ujGooglemaps map appear in a SiteBuilder panel?


You can't say fairer than that!
02/13/15 04:44:40AM
301 posts

Will a ujGooglemaps map appear in a SiteBuilder panel?


Hi Steve,

Apologies if this turns out to be my slow learning. I'm trying to create a ujGooglemaps multi-item map in a SiteBuilder panel showing all profiles with a certain value in a custom profile_county (e.g. Dorset) field.

I keep failing but it's crossed my mind that a ujGooglemaps map can't exist there at all - is that the case?
updated by @iamtimbo: 03/25/15 07:43:58AM
02/13/15 12:27:57AM
301 posts

Homepage not visible to logged out users

Using Jamroom

Hi, Michael - I have no idea how you could set yours up to replicate the issue, as I have no idea what's different about it at this end! Racking my brains, I was thinking back to when I created the page, and how I might have done it. I think that I would have accessed the 'home' page in order to modify it by clicking the network logo.

I don't remember creating it as such in the menu builder. Does it need to occupy a certain position in the menu builder?
02/11/15 04:45:57PM
301 posts

Homepage not visible to logged out users

Using Jamroom

Hi Michael, I'd just stumbled on the documentation as you'd posted that, and it's worked perfectly - thank you!

I'm still having the home page problem, though. I've checked in the panel browser, and 'index' is the page that I wish to be the home page. However, only admin can see it - signed-in 'normal' users and logged-out persons just get the panel not found error.

I've created a menu entry for it as you suggested above. Any thoughts gratefully received.

One thing I've also noticed when in the panel browser - there was an entry there for every URL typo I've ever made as an admin....I guess a page is created if it doesn't exist but the admin 'visits' that location......
02/08/15 12:21:36PM
301 posts

Images on profile tabs - is it possible?

Design and Skin Customization

That's logged in as a regular user.

I'm sure the Quotas are set right. Brian suggested in another thread that it's to do with the tabs not having anything to show, so not appearing until they have something to say, as it were.

I'll go through it all again, I've also discovered the jrProfile documentation which I overlooked for some reason earlier in the week. Thank you for your patience!
02/08/15 12:16:08AM
301 posts

Homepage not visible to logged out users

Using Jamroom

I see. Can I force them to show, even if they're empty, by changing profile_tabs.html? The way that I'm set up, some of the tabs may not 'know' they have content yet....
02/07/15 12:18:30PM
301 posts

Homepage not visible to logged out users

Using Jamroom

UPDATE: I went to make a page called 'index', which it transpired took me to the page I had already created, and it is still not visible to non-logged in users.

Some very odd things happening on here all round!
02/07/15 11:09:48AM
301 posts

How to get UjCategories


Perfect - thank you. Sorry about the incorrect email - well deduced!