Forum Activity for @iamtimbo

08/14/15 12:16:50PM
301 posts

Unable to copy xxxxxxx.tpl to template cache directory error

Using Jamroom

Suddenly have this error - in previous half hour I had edited a custom template, but even pages without that template either don't load or show a similar error.

Can access site via FTP, but not load any admin pages to reset caches/ do an integrity check....

Can't see how I've created such an error editing an obscure custom template - is this a hosting problem?.
updated by @iamtimbo: 09/20/15 04:58:21PM
08/14/15 10:39:05AM
301 posts

Site-wide 'online now' as in forums

Using Jamroom

Yes - although it does always show 20 more visitors than there are - on one occasion it briefly showed 19 more - I'm not sure how that can occur, as $visitor_count isn't modified in your template....
08/13/15 10:04:32AM
301 posts

Site-wide 'online now' as in forums

Using Jamroom

All looks good, and works a treat, although it has added 20 to the 'visitor' count that the Admin Dashboard is registering, which is odd!

EDIT: Also just seen that this is only visible to logged in users - is there a way that everyone can see it?

EDIT 2: Cleared cache again, and now visible to all...
updated by @iamtimbo: 08/13/15 12:14:38PM
08/13/15 09:23:10AM
301 posts

Site-wide 'online now' as in forums

Using Jamroom

Douglas - that's brilliant - and so granular, too. Going to have a play with this now...thank you!
08/13/15 06:42:40AM
301 posts

Site-wide 'online now' as in forums

Using Jamroom

I'm getting lots of visits, but few engagements. I'd like to insert a box on the home page that shows how many users and guests are online site-wide - just like at the bottom of the forums. I'm hoping that people seeing they are not alone may encourage participation!


updated by @iamtimbo: 09/19/15 08:05:48AM
07/20/15 01:34:55PM
301 posts

Defining h3 in jrUpimg CSS

Using Jamroom


A question - is it necessary to define h3 in the jrUpimg slider.css file? I use a custom font, but because I have the image rotator on the home page, every time SiteBuilder is updated, and the CSS file rewritten, I lose my custom font throughout the site. The CSS here overrides the site-set h3.

I'm not sure why it has to be set here, as well as in the usual CSS - does it need to be?

updated by @iamtimbo: 12/22/16 11:55:59AM
07/16/15 12:08:47PM
301 posts


Ning To Jamroom

Nice one, @strumelia - I'm still a way off moving my 2 over here, but that's a time and money thing, nothing else. The new site, that I had been going to build in Ning 3, is coming together almost perfectly in JR, now (thanks to Paul, Brian, Douglas, Michael & Co) and I couldn't be more relieved govern the lack of any progress on N3.

updated by @iamtimbo: 07/16/15 12:35:42PM
07/07/15 01:19:09PM
301 posts

Tag cloud only for $_items

Using Jamroom

Huge delay. Thank you - I'm looking into this now....
06/10/15 10:48:33AM
301 posts

Image URLs

Using Jamroom

Hi again.

I didn't realise that literally output the URL you needed! Thank you!

Oddly, though, although I could see from Firebug that it was constructing the image source, for some reason, it doesn't load it. To take it apart, I've redone it as inline styling, but I'm encountering the same error. What I have now is this...

                background: url('{jrCore_module_function function="jrImage_display" module="jrProfile" type="profile_image" size="xlarge" item_id=$_profile_id }');
                border: 2px solid black;
                background-width: 100%;
                background-repeat: no-repeat;  
                background-size: cover;
                background-position: center;
            {if ($profile_image_size > 0) && ($profile_quota_id == '2')}
            <div class="specbackground">
            <div class="covbackground">

Firebug reads that as:

div.specbackground {
    background: transparent url("<img src="" width="384" alt="">") no-repeat scroll center center / cover;
    border: 2px solid #000;

but the image doesn't load - hovering over it in firebug just prompts "Could not load image" - even though the URLs for that and the 'actual' profile pic are exactly the same....
06/10/15 08:20:42AM
301 posts

Image URLs

Using Jamroom

Hi, Douglas,

I managed that bit (getting there slowly with my smarty!) - it's how I deduce the profile image URL itself to use in the styling that I can't work out!
