Forum Activity for @iamtimbo

03/31/15 09:15:30AM
301 posts

Google WMT thinks the sitemap is html

Using Jamroom

It seems to be fine - you can see it at

Have attached a screengrab.....
- 130KB

updated by @iamtimbo: 03/31/15 09:16:03AM
03/30/15 04:48:47PM
301 posts

Google WMT thinks the sitemap is html

Using Jamroom

Added the Sitemap module today - all went well, except WMT seems to be under the impression it's an html file, and returns 35 errors......which is dull.

image.jpg image.jpg - 86KB

updated by @iamtimbo: 05/04/15 04:10:34PM
03/28/15 07:51:40AM
301 posts

Menu titles & positions not sticking

Using Jamroom

I think I'd have to send my logon details to you - there are so many variables it could be any of them!

It had slipped my mind until last night, and the same issue persists - any new menu item added will not retain its title or positioning - wherever it's put, or whatever it's named, upon save it will just appear as 'New Menu' atvthe end of the list.
03/25/15 11:47:37AM
301 posts

Changing domains with Arvixe

Installation and Configuration

Success - all done - shouldn't have panicked!
03/25/15 09:16:33AM
301 posts

Changing domains with Arvixe

Installation and Configuration

That makes sense - don't want to lock myself out!
03/25/15 09:03:21AM
301 posts

Changing domains with Arvixe

Installation and Configuration

Thanks Brian - going to take the plunge - any optimal order to doing it? JR first and then server, or doesn't matter?!
03/25/15 08:40:01AM
301 posts

Changing domains with Arvixe

Installation and Configuration

Hi Paul,

Sorry - I wasn't clear (although that's good to know for when I move!)- I just want to point to the arvixe install for the time being.

I've bashed on at GoDaddy, and that's now got the Arvixe nameservers set up (and in fact I now get the cPanel error page, so it's already pointing the right way). I guess I now park at Arvixe, and update the jamroom url and clear the caches...?
03/25/15 07:44:50AM
301 posts

Will a ujGooglemaps map appear in a SiteBuilder panel?


Thought so! Could be interesting - the Dorset map alone generates > 700 markers. Might have to keep an eye on that!
03/25/15 07:01:23AM
301 posts

Will a ujGooglemaps map appear in a SiteBuilder panel?


Hi Steve,

For some reason I didn't see the post straightaway, and in the meantime playing around this morning, I came to the same conclusion as you, and voila!

Absolutely perfect - works like a charm. Thank you sincerely for all your help on this!

One thought - does each marker constitute an API call?
updated by @iamtimbo: 03/25/15 07:02:01AM
03/25/15 06:59:26AM
301 posts

Changing domains with Arvixe

Installation and Configuration

I have a hosting account with Arvixe (will be moving to Jamroom hosting when I've finished testing and am sure this is going to fly!), and my JR installation is at the 'main' location -

I have registered with GoDaddy. I've looked at some other posts on here about working with Arvixe, but I'm very paranoid about nuking my site! I see @paul's reply to @claygordon in this thread - - but I'm not using an add-on domain.

Is the process the same when it's not an add-on domain?
updated by @iamtimbo: 04/27/15 08:55:47PM