Site-wide 'online now' as in forums
Using Jamroom
We're very new - essentially still testing, but don't get loads of traffic yet, from analytics and experience, we've *never* had 20 visitors online at the same time. I don't see that we have a constant undercurrent of 19/20 visitors. It's currently showing the following values:
$master_count as 1
$admin_count as 0
$user_count as 0
$visitor_count as 19
The dashboard shows as per the attachment in Users Online. I'm confused about your dashboard point - in the Users Online tab, I frequently see 'visitor' as the User Name, and have always assumed that was a non-logged in user just browsing the site.
I've got to pop out now, but you can see it at on the home page - note that for the purposes of the display, Site Admins is actually the count of the Master Admins - we don't have any site admins yet. You'll see that 'visitors is never lower than 19.