Forum Activity for @soaringeagle

02/19/17 02:26:16PM
3,304 posts

any way to update core through ssh command line?

Using Jamroom

should that upload as jrCore will it rename itself to the version number or should i rename it to jrcore release version it worked on 6.0.6 on 1 site not on the other haven't tried with 6.0.7
02/19/17 02:10:22PM
3,304 posts

urlscan video display looks weird

Design and Skin Customization

not sure the best way to explain it but when i just paste in a url like
Freedoms Wings Soaring For People With Disabilities
it looks faded or like it has an opacity of about .4 or less (but cant find a css reason for that)
using embed works great but the url scanner version the video cover image is barely visible you see the play button clearly but not the image

keep in mind that till i find a better way to update my core i cannot update anything prior to 606 and 607 (1 site updated 606 somehow the other wouldn't though)
so this maybe was addressed already?
updated by @soaringeagle: 05/24/17 10:49:30PM
02/16/17 08:24:31AM
3,304 posts

any way to update core through ssh command line?

Using Jamroom

I still cannot update my core, which means i can no longer update anything at all
is there a way to update the core by command line through ssh?
1 weird thing, uploading the core (6.0.6) then running integrity check with repair modules worked...on 1 site not the other
is there any way to do the full update process through ssh commands and skip using the marketplace update altogether, at least just for the core?
updated by @soaringeagle: 06/16/17 08:49:38PM
02/15/17 10:53:36PM
3,304 posts

Media URL Scanner gets stuck on certain urls

Design and Skin Customization

i still cant update! the cores will not update and im getting very frustrated cause now i cant update anything
02/09/17 01:40:52PM
3,304 posts

Media URL Scanner gets stuck on certain urls

Design and Skin Customization

you know i'm a great beta tester cause i don't just find bugs bugs find me haha (not that thats a bug just an unexpected situation that may not have been planned for)
always happy to help (and appreciative of yours)
02/08/17 08:30:53PM
3,304 posts

Media URL Scanner gets stuck on certain urls

Design and Skin Customization

I have about 745 Media URL Scanner url_update queue items that never complete, look identical, (granted did not look at all 745) and seems to add new ones to the list every so often

the url its trying to update!/Club-Organization-Dri-Fit-Mini-Texture-Polo-by-Nike/p/73101933/category=21099025

the code in the queue list
{"_item_id":3,"_created":"1485924688","_profile_id":"0","_updated":"1485924688","_user_id":"0","urlscan_url":"https:\/\/\/index.php\/apparel#!\/Custom-Design-Club-and-Organization-Hats\/p\/73101986\/category=21099025","__queue_worker_timeout":60} - See more at:

the page its found on
timeline entry 3-5 down dated 2 weeks ago

it just says

pete golden
@soaringeagle • 2 weeks ago uses freedoms wings apparel as demos!/Club-Organization-Dri-Fit-Mini-Texture-Polo-by-Nike/p/73101933/category=21099025!/Custom-Design-Club-and-Organization-Hats/p/73101986/category=21099025

since the new website upgrade they also reached out to us to discuss being sponsors or potential parnership
- See more at:

i can only guess its the #! in the url causing issues?

ps had to delete all queue entries related to that twice now
queue is still empty but I would imagine in the next 24 hours it starts adding up again
updated by @soaringeagle: 05/19/17 12:42:00AM
02/06/17 07:32:50AM
3,304 posts

why is there 2 jamroomnetworks to choose from in system update?

Design and Skin Customization

yikes dreadlockssite had 9! but only 1 had the credentials filled out
how were these extras added?