Forum Activity for @soaringeagle

04/26/17 04:52:50PM
3,304 posts

live streaming


yea we upload alot but we do big events that would be great to have on the site live
plus competitions record attempts etc

oh and had no intention of going with verizon or anything starting with an i or featuring 1/2 eaten fruit
04/25/17 02:11:39PM
3,304 posts

live streaming


more then i could afford.
the iphone option sounds interesting if theres an andriod version (i have no mobile period but have access to a few androids)

if i did have 1 with unlimited data i should be able to stream from the air except in remote and mountainous locations right?
that might be the easiest solution a suction mount right to the canopy.... kinda hate using smartphones though
04/24/17 09:48:52PM
3,304 posts

sb wont save widgets generates error

Using Jamroom

you rock! i was hoping it was something simple like that...i was fearing it was a db issue.. not writing new item keys or something..i saw in activity that the integrity check changed a whole bunch of tables to innodb
was a lil scared cause gotta rework a diferent backup solution and backups are not up to date
04/24/17 09:39:13PM
3,304 posts

live streaming


we desperately need them for freedoms wings too we might not be able to meet our operating budget this season ..and that's like minimal operating budget let alone the goals i hope to reach (even went out on a limb and reached out to nasa to see if they'd be interested in contributing)
(just cause they have such wide reach in all things aeronautical)
04/24/17 09:30:32PM
3,304 posts

sb wont save widgets generates error

Using Jamroom

when adding widgets to front page they wont save

i get the following error info
[25-Apr-2017 00:27:21 America/New_York] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function jrCore_test_template_for_errors() in /var/www/vhosts/ [1]
Stack trace: [2]
#0 /var/www/vhosts/ jrSiteBuilder_template_code_contains_errors('<p>test</p>') [1]
#1 /var/www/vhosts/ jrSiteBuilder_widget_html_config_save(Array) [1]
#2 /var/www/vhosts/ view_jrSiteBuilder_modify_widget_form_save(Array, Array, Array) [1]
#3 /var/www/vhosts/ jrCore_run_module_view_function('view_jrSiteBuil...') [1]
thrown in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 809 [1]

edit to add debugging steps:
1 tried adding groups item list order _created random
woudnt save
figured maybe the groups template wasn't allowing it to be added that way so moved on to next test
adding youtube list
added simple html with just words test
cleared error log repeated last step with html widget just to get a fresh error

ps ran integrity check with all options checked after step 2 in debug tests
updated by @soaringeagle: 07/24/17 07:49:10AM
04/24/17 08:58:48PM
3,304 posts

live streaming


keep it in mind for jr version 8 9 or 10..somewhere way down the road when jr has really advanced (and hired a few more folks)
i'm blown away but how few of you do so much more then other companies with teams of engineers and tens of millions in funding
you guys deserve to be 1 of the top platforms
04/24/17 08:41:15PM
3,304 posts

live streaming


thats true... knew it was a long shot and a big project ..but when it popped to mind i thought it would be a absolutely awesome tool for certain sites. sites that have live events , do live lessons or shows..could have a wide range of uses

ah well no need for further discussion
04/24/17 07:41:56AM
3,304 posts

live streaming


ive built my own servers long ago just for running net radio back in the day..
didn't take a real powerful server r anything but that wasnt vid
04/24/17 07:39:13AM
3,304 posts

live streaming


kinda why i thought streamming from a centralized service like a jr stream server
so be like a monthly service fee or a per data streammed fee type thing (if you were using alotta streams)
04/23/17 10:27:56PM
3,304 posts

live streaming


yea was using that for streaming to fb and you can embed that in posts
you might be able to embed or use the live yt links ..havent tried
just thought it would be awesome if you could use the same server calls from obs to stream direct to the sites
you can set obs up with custom services instead of 1 of the predefined ones (yt fb etc)
i figured it was a long shot and probably easier to just use existing services somehow
but i also know jr is flexible enough to be able to somehow make it work direct
unless it required a jr side api
i thought maybe that was all taken care of n the obs side since that functions as a streaming server