Forum Activity for @soaringeagle

06/04/17 06:59:17PM
3,304 posts

bug report disqus no longer works in forums

Using Jamroom

i added the disqus code to the forums template long ago it worked (though had the issue of 1 posts comments showing on most pages)
after the update that fixed that it no longer works on forum posts at all
nothing was changed to templates
updated by @soaringeagle: 09/03/17 12:57:07PM
05/17/17 03:03:02PM
3,304 posts

can activity feed list joins

Using Jamroom

as usual..your awesome
05/14/17 03:18:15PM
3,304 posts

add to search database for elevated users


situation -you want certain elevated users (like board members) to have a profile database menu button then they can add items to the database (like contact lists, member status's, fundraising leads, past grants..etc)
they should be able to add categories item name type and data (mostly text)
ofcourse the module should only search items added through the database module

I know not alot of sites wouldn't need something like this but i know freedoms wings could surely use it and i bet it would be useful to other sites run by organizations
updated by @soaringeagle: 08/12/17 09:55:19PM
05/12/17 03:32:35PM
3,304 posts

can activity feed list joins

Using Jamroom

exactly .. they see people joining and see its an active growing community and you will notice that if say 6 hours go by without a single join then you get 1 2 3 4 more will follow .. and as long as even 1 joins in the visible part of the activity feed it indeed does encourage others to join as well
its something i have always noticed
the other networks only had a hard limit on activity you couldn't page through them and anytime 1 join was visible more would follow
i'll try to see if i get the same results now and add the chart screenshot in like a week
05/12/17 01:15:25PM
3,304 posts

can activity feed list joins

Using Jamroom

i know its a huge boost to joins maybe this should be reopened and discussed in suggestions
05/12/17 08:49:50AM
3,304 posts

can activity feed list joins

Using Jamroom

i was going to say maybe it should be built into the user module
when i searched signups i got a signup notifications setting (i think in user module) for sending an admin email when ppl join if there was an add to actions (timeline0 setting in that module itself that would update it to this and all future versions

if i wasn't so busy right now with freedoms wings id put in some effort to finally learn php (more then a vague understanding of what some parts of some scripts do and how they work together)

but this is awesome thnx i'll let ya know if i find any problems
05/11/17 08:49:07AM
3,304 posts

can activity feed list joins

Using Jamroom

can you list joins in activity feed?
one thing i have noticed since i began running social networks is if the joins are listed in activity as soon as 1 joins 2 follow when 3 join 8 follow.. when 8 join can have up to 15 in a run all just by seeing active joins within the last minutes to hour
if the module had a include joins option in config that would be great if theres a way to edit something to include that what is it

updated by @soaringeagle: 08/15/17 04:06:02PM
04/26/17 07:23:57PM
3,304 posts

live streaming


hmmm whats that run ya? i swore i would never have an iphone but the ability to switch cams and such might be worthwhile
he ideal situation would be 1 or 2 in cockpit cams wing and 1 tail "lipstick cams" small real compact cams that shouldnt affect performane severely (they are so finely tuned a squished bug on the wing affects performance)
ofcourse that probly is alot better setup for recording not streamming unless there were an app that could connect to them all and switch views
as far as airliners go is likely-that hey might have some kinda sheilding to protect the elctronics cause they have lil vertical stabalizer shaped antenas atop the body that probly picks up the signals the aircraft bod blocks...just a guess however
5,000 feets just a mile up and usually we stay below the puffy white cumulous clouds jets fly about 35,000.. almost 7 miles up
though cell signal should travel a long way unless blocked by mountains
but since you also lose signal in elevators and tunnels it kinda wakes sense that least in heavies the fuselage might block the signal.. gliders are fiberglass invisible to radar, nothing to block the signal and only a thin plexiglass canopy to block the wind noise (which can be pretty loud at the top speeds)
04/26/17 05:00:26PM
3,304 posts

live streaming



Well something comes to mind- when you are in the air you actually have no service unless you use the airlines wifi and i doubt you can stream from it
well except we are not in an airliner but a tiny glider
Freedoms Wings Soaring For People With Disabilities
we don't often fly as high as jets (usually under 5,000 but can get as high as jets in wave) no vulnerable electronics and except in rare cross country flights in remote locations should have service no problem..