live streaming
hmmm whats that run ya? i swore i would never have an iphone but the ability to switch cams and such might be worthwhile
he ideal situation would be 1 or 2 in cockpit cams wing and 1 tail "lipstick cams" small real compact cams that shouldnt affect performane severely (they are so finely tuned a squished bug on the wing affects performance)
ofcourse that probly is alot better setup for recording not streamming unless there were an app that could connect to them all and switch views
as far as airliners go is likely-that hey might have some kinda sheilding to protect the elctronics cause they have lil vertical stabalizer shaped antenas atop the body that probly picks up the signals the aircraft bod blocks...just a guess however
5,000 feets just a mile up and usually we stay below the puffy white cumulous clouds jets fly about 35,000.. almost 7 miles up
though cell signal should travel a long way unless blocked by mountains
but since you also lose signal in elevators and tunnels it kinda wakes sense that least in heavies the fuselage might block the signal.. gliders are fiberglass invisible to radar, nothing to block the signal and only a thin plexiglass canopy to block the wind noise (which can be pretty loud at the top speeds)