Forum Activity for @soaringeagle

06/05/17 04:20:32PM
3,304 posts

ffmpeg issue revisited (nearer a solution)

Using Jamroom

i think i already have that high but will try thnx
ok i set that higher the 8 m vid worked
although in edge i only see the player bar at bottom i see the whole vid in ff
also in edge clicking download vid the file wont play even though i downloaded it prior to the conversion finishing and it played then
i hope the larger vids convert now
but can you see if this works in edge (oh you only use linux dont you)
06/05/17 02:07:07PM
3,304 posts

ffmpeg issue revisited (nearer a solution)

Using Jamroom

i alowed 24 gigs for a max upload size of 6.4 or 8.4 somewhere around here
it pins the 1 core at 100% for awhile..guessing 1/2 an hour then simply stops the queue items stay in queue (it used to disaper but of queue after a day or 2 now they simply stay in and i guess retry the conversion from time to time

i did have to increase max request body size as well just so it would upload

what timeouts or other factors could be affecting it
i had assummed it was a conflicting dependency from when ffmpeg was installed on the system
that is till i got the 8 meg vid to convert
i don't think even a 100 meg vid will convert but i'lll try that
06/05/17 10:28:16AM
3,304 posts

ffmpeg issue revisited (nearer a solution)

Using Jamroom

it does but only for small files for large files it runs and runs then simply stops (i think with sigkill)
it seems like a timeout or something
n 8 meg vid converts fast..1 gig not at all
06/05/17 10:22:35AM
3,304 posts

ffmpeg issue revisited (nearer a solution)

Using Jamroom

i am my hosting company
and the message i posted above was provided by a server management expert after they diagnosed the ffmpg
i had many other experts try as well these were the 1st ones that were able to pinpoint an issue
hell i had ffmpeg supoort themselves try to figure it out
06/05/17 10:07:56AM
3,304 posts

ffmpeg issue revisited (nearer a solution)

Using Jamroom

can mod_ruid be used with ls
06/05/17 10:03:50AM
3,304 posts

ffmpeg issue revisited (nearer a solution)

Using Jamroom

i run litespeed not apache (90% of images wouldnt load with apache)
06/05/17 06:00:22AM
3,304 posts

ffmpeg issue revisited (nearer a solution)

Using Jamroom

well finally got the ffmpeg issue diagnosed
8 meg vids convert
1 gig vids do not
the diagnosis i gt from a tech is
This is happening because php-cli has post_max_size value is 8M, the ffmpeg is using php exec command inside the application code

now that i know what is causing should it be fixed?

updated by @soaringeagle: 09/06/17 03:05:09PM
06/05/17 03:21:41AM
3,304 posts

bug report disqus no longer works in forums

Using Jamroom

wouldnt a blog and forum of same id be linked then (have not had disqus comments on anything but forums photos and profiles not on any blogs yet....just wondering)
i realized however that the forum item detail tpl hadnt had the code coppied over since many updates ago
it might have stopped working awhile ago and hant noticed ..i had noticed there was no activity on disqus for a semi long time
its probably my fault for not updating the code
06/04/17 11:54:18PM
3,304 posts

bug report disqus no longer works in forums

Using Jamroom

its that identifyer that was changed is there a forum identifyer
06/04/17 11:52:48PM
3,304 posts

bug report disqus no longer works in forums

Using Jamroom

ah i don't know what code in the template was changed
but in template compare copied all the new code over so they matched except having the disqus code

i added
{if jrCore_module_is_active('jrDisqus')}
        <!-- the disqus comment count code -->
        <div class="item disqusitem">
            {jrDisqus_comments disqus_identifier="jrBlog_`$item._item_id`"}
at the botom of the forum item detail template (pretty sure it was)
its working again