Forum Activity for @soaringeagle

08/27/17 10:01:17PM
3,304 posts

Suggestion for Events list


see i figured there was an easy way to do it
08/27/17 08:52:34PM
3,304 posts

youtube search pagination issue

Installation and Configuration

your very welcome and as always thanks for the amazingly fast fix!
08/27/17 03:05:56PM
3,304 posts

Suggestion for Events list


you can most likely just change your list call to list by end date not start date? the list order might be a lil off but i think they would stay in the list till the end date that way
08/27/17 01:33:38PM
3,304 posts

youtube search pagination issue

Installation and Configuration

additionaly as expected editing the p= number reverts to page 1
my theory.. only the next page button actually calls to youtube for next page of results? the rest just return the search results (ie page 1 of results)
08/27/17 01:16:19PM
3,304 posts

youtube search pagination issue

Installation and Configuration

hey its been awhile since i posted (cause things have been working smoothly)
however i just discovered an issue i wass mass importing soaring vids to when i discovered using the page number dropdown does not work (chosing page 3 stil leaves you on page 1)
but using the > next page button works
i cannot see any diference in the urls or explain it in any way..
another oddball issue is if you use the dropdown and it says page 3 (you see the 1st page of results) then use the next page it says page 4 but you see the second page of results
in fact just tested it by choosing page 20 hitting next to 21 and again see 1st and 2nd page ..

the p= and the numeration in the dropdown increases but the results only change with the next page button
updated by @soaringeagle: 11/26/17 04:59:17PM
06/07/17 08:24:58PM
3,304 posts

ffmpeg issue revisited (nearer a solution)

Using Jamroom

tmp i believes unrestricted (not a set volume size)
smaller files indeed copy over 300 meg files do (but do not convert)
i'll be out in the wilderness for the next month
so will need to fix it when i get back
i'll post the fix when i find it
06/06/17 07:48:11AM
3,304 posts

ffmpeg issue revisited (nearer a solution)

Using Jamroom

its not getting to the conversion the upload fails just before it finishes

it goes to 99% then says upload failed
that guids how i originaly set it up using ubuntu
but certain admin pages..dashboard, system check etc resulted in blank pages
we ended up switching to centos and plesk and litespeed (and mariadb)
also i had to use your guide then tweak it setting some of the db settings higher

my cpu power took a huge hit when i bought my own server
but the db for dreadlockssite alones a few gigs
06/05/17 09:29:13PM
3,304 posts

ffmpeg issue revisited (nearer a solution)

Using Jamroom

ok hate to bother you with this

but the large file upload fails in around this block of errors
2017-06-05 22:57:43	Error	503	POST /core/upload_file/?orderid=0&upload_name=video_file&field_name=pm_video_file&token=3be0ba0147aa212c07da397774a58166&upload_token=8360f0a81f70272cf0f678856bb0627e&extensions=3g2%2C3gp%2Cavi%2Cf4v%2Cflv%2Cm4v%2Cmkv%2Cmov%2Cmp4%2Cmpg%2Cogv%2Cwebm%2Cwmv&multiple=false&pm_video_file=DSCN3422.MOV HTTP/1.1	Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:53.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/53.0	646 	Apache SSL access
2017-06-05 23:57:44	Error			.485 [INFO] [] connection to [/tmp/lshttpd/APVH_dreadlockssite_Suphp70.sock] on request #2, confirmed, 1, associated process: 120965, running: 1, error: Connection reset by peer!				Apache error
2017-06-05 23:57:44	Error			.486 [NOTICE] [] oops! 503 Service Unavailable				Apache error
2017-06-05 23:57:44	Error			.486 [NOTICE] [] Content len: 1139015680, Request line: 'POST /core/upload_file/?orderid=0&upload_name=video_file&field_name=pm_video_file&token=3be0ba0147aa212c07da397774a58166&upload_token=8360f0a81f70272cf0f678856bb0627e&extensions=3g2%2C3gp%2Cavi%2Cf4v%2Cflv%2Cm4v%2Cmkv%2Cmov%2Cmp4%2Cmpg%2Cogv%2Cwebm%2Cwmv&multiple=false&pm_video_file=DSCN3422.MOV HTTP/1.1'				Apache error
2017-06-05 23:57:44	Error			.486 [INFO] [] Cookie len: 467, _ga=GA1.2.62b44f77-b288-4fcc-bed8-919f3631c221; __unam=1142a75-1592e3184eb-101847da-455; _gid=GA1.2.465482449.1496297152; dash_reload=on; jrcore_pager_rows=100; PHPSESSID=5f12b10ujies8onb4ta199qkh3; sessfa5a8cdcbcc8=5lu0vv836c1gok7kcsc8n3jv05; imgsizg="256"; fcsid=gik1caho2r7mhudgm71r6ni2f0; jr_location_url=; _bcf_tracking_expired=1; autofa5a8cdcbcc8=83-8793325bf740d6c8463dd6f01b8002da; cc_loggedin=1				Apache error
2017-06-05 23:57:44	Error			.486 [NOTICE] [] Redirect: #1, URL: /modules/jrCore/router.php				Apache error
2017-06-05 23:57:44	Error			.486 [INFO] [] abort request..., code: 4				Apache error

correct me if i am wrong..but its the 503 on the socket that triggers the failure? i believe i saw that same message right before each failure
06/05/17 08:15:42PM
3,304 posts

ffmpeg issue revisited (nearer a solution)

Using Jamroom

nah it was only 4 sec long just an 8 meg file cause i knew an 8 meg file would convert.
i'm trying a 300 meg now and uploading a 1.1g
large uploads were failing but i think it was the response body size (i know for a fact that caused a 513, but think i had to increase both static and dynamic)
the uploads would fail at the very end ..
its encouraging that at least small files are converting
i'll test that link on my laptop tomorow ..on here all i get isthe strip at the bottom with the play button

i'm closer to figuring out the conversion thing..if i can figure out what size file it starts to fail at i think it will give me a clue

btw 2 of the vids that were sitting in queue for awhile have nearly 2000 retries

is there a connection made right when the conversion finishes.. it seems to run a good while then just stops i keep wondering if its thee last step in the process
i do believe the logs had a connection reset by peer right within a few seconds of the procesS ENDING (before or after i'm not sure)
06/05/17 04:41:41PM
3,304 posts

ffmpeg issue revisited (nearer a solution)

Using Jamroom

it seems the video (uploaded) module might not work in edge browser at all
i get an exception thrown but not caught error
(and the 1.16 gig vid failed upload, it was doing that b4 cause of max_responce_body_size)