1/2 of gallery downloads have no extension - save as txt
Installation and Configuration
i was going through the featured photos
notice they are all watermarked even though i turned that off
in firefox clicking save saves as 'type octate stream"
very next 1
saves as jpg
the extensions in the url.. although it seves it as the gallery page not just the jpg
which in of itself is weird
i think it has to do with naming vs not
if you look at 'me' at bottom it says 'me' at top my dreads
whereas the other only has freeform dreads at the top
so the 'me' has a image titlke and gallery title and the other only gallery title
so if you give the image a title thats what it ties to download instead of the original file name
more confusing is why the watermark on all images! why can't i shut that off