Forum Activity for @soaringeagle

10/01/17 01:17:32PM
3,304 posts

removing home from index page title

Installation and Configuration

not the best solution
that removes page title universal
it would need an if page= index
<title>{$page_title|default:"`$default_title`"|capitalize} | {$_conf.jrCore_system_name}</title>
but not sure how to write that if statement that checks iif the page is index otherwise uses the defaults

10/01/17 12:39:55PM
3,304 posts

removing home from index page title

Installation and Configuration

talked to a top seo expert (way too expensive to utilize) as far as free advice went he suggested removing home | from the title is that is hurting the title seo score
in the past i had edited something that moved home to after the title, and that only got picked up by google and helped alot but thats no longer the case
on the front page i rather have only the site title no home at all
in sb you can change home to anything else but leaving it blank reverts to home
what i want is the site title only
how do i accomplish this

updated by @soaringeagle: 01/17/18 03:08:25PM
09/26/17 03:09:02PM
3,304 posts

video re-conversion queue add issue

Installation and Configuration

thery are in the queue still dont know if they are convrrting right yet
09/24/17 07:30:21AM
3,304 posts

Page/Widget Header Text and Fonts

Using Jamroom

it gets easy once you learn the basics
but the more powerful stuff does take a lil research
09/24/17 06:57:21AM
3,304 posts

Page/Widget Header Text and Fonts

Using Jamroom

honnestly i learned by doing. well html is fairly simple or was when i 1st taught myself (its evolved a lil since then) css i'm not sure even existed when i learned html
css you can learn by using firebug selecting elements (divs images whatever) you can 'cycle through' options using just the up and down arrows and see the results.
theres a site i foirget what its called webmonkey/ codemonkey? havent looked at it in a decade or more that has basic tutorials. both are easy to learn, css slightly trickier to learn as you do simply because of the nested structure of html, finding the right element to change its attributes on might be tricky at 1st) example display:none or any other display option can be used on the containing div or the img tag within it
its very powerful yet pretty simple

above you were offered code that would change an elements state when used in a style, all you need to do to learn it is look at it and see why it does what it does
he gave you 3 ways to target the element 'title"
then you can have in the css goes here area font-color:red; font-size:bigger; or font-color:#fe1000; font-size:2em; for more exact control
its pretty simple to see these set the font color and sizes
only a handful are not that self explanitory
09/22/17 08:55:54AM
3,304 posts

Error: Query Error: The table 'jr_jrcore_cache' is full

Installation and Configuration

that's why i was so glad i broke my back and didn't get into a career in mainframe programming.. 1,00,000 lines of code just to print a report and 1 misplaced . or : and the whole thing crashes
09/22/17 08:53:31AM
3,304 posts

video re-conversion queue add issue

Installation and Configuration

when i try verify video files it says "320 videos added to queue) but none are
i think have to go back uncheck flash vids add to queue recheck enable flash vids, add to queue
that's the only way to re-verify the files
updated by @soaringeagle: 12/27/17 08:29:56PM
09/22/17 08:51:03AM
3,304 posts

profile domains since core update

Installation and Configuration

in profile domains options it says 'use sni' i do not have that checked
09/22/17 08:08:47AM
3,304 posts

profile domains since core update

Installation and Configuration

also the testsd and posts were the http not https version of urls..i had considered that but ruled it out