Forum Activity for @soaringeagle

01/15/19 08:37:59PM
3,304 posts

seo search terms module


similar to a wp plugin i usdd that kept my blog ranking number 1 even though i've largly ignored updating it for way too long

a module that lists "this page commonly found by these search terms" list of top say... 6 in bold
it was either bold or h5ish

when you have say the most recent 3 and most common 5 or 6 search terms it helps auto boost the search terms its found by.

i know more and more search terms are hidden
but when they can be captured it s a very handy auto seo tool that automaticly helps by the very terms they are finding it by
in fact
those could be made into links to internal site searches for further exploration
(the site search still could be alot better)

that might actually have an undesirable effect actually if the search terms linked to the searches

updated by @soaringeagle: 04/20/19 06:35:56AM
01/15/19 08:24:01PM
3,304 posts

expanded stats dashboard upgrade


knowing the visitors per day joins per day etc are helpful but further in depth tracking of engagement would help too
it wouldequir expanding the dashboard with more stats locations or the ability to turn on advanced stats with more options

helpful stats to track

1 forum posts per day forum replies per day
2 photo posts per day photo comments ratings likes
3 blogs same music same videos same
4 not only daily but weekly average monthly average (with charts)
5 internal site search stats

stats on sections (forums photos etc) most visited broken down by visitor and online user

music sites might want to track number of plays/downloads a day

i'm talking like for the next major core update to the next full version number.
a dashboard that allowed you to track any number of event triggers and display it as charts

updated by @soaringeagle: 04/17/19 10:56:27AM
01/07/19 11:36:11AM
3,304 posts

banned items email wildcards and preview changes


ok wasnt sure if that was supported in that case add it to the help statement on it it only shows it should say or to block all from .ru ...
01/06/19 10:49:05AM
3,304 posts

switching from highly customized ningja to ninja and old shops to new

Using Jamroom

i clone the new version of the skin, i copy over all mty custom templates that start with my like my-forums.tpm i backup 3 css files site.css.bak index and 1 other i cant think of copying over my customized 1 and then do a compare on ann the jamroom supplied templates i customized when yu do that you can simply click the arrow to move the highlated custom code segments to the new template
then i just activate the new template
its a bit of work but worth it
01/05/19 10:56:03AM
3,304 posts

banned items email wildcards and preview changes


my 1 site is getting bombarded by 100 fake accounts a day ive been banning ips
but simply banning @*.ru would eliminate at least 35%

the other suggestion is when using sitebuilder and template editors offer a "preview changes" button that displays how it will look in a temporary yoursite/core/preview space
updated by @soaringeagle: 04/12/19 08:14:42PM
01/02/19 08:14:56PM
3,304 posts

switching from highly customized ningja to ninja and old shops to new

Using Jamroom

have too many custom created templates for that
12/21/18 08:53:45PM
3,304 posts

switching from highly customized ningja to ninja and old shops to new

Using Jamroom

@michael u have a list of featured sites right would u maybe add ?
12/21/18 08:52:23PM
3,304 posts

switching from highly customized ningja to ninja and old shops to new

Using Jamroom

nah i dont mind em i just thought thered be maybe a if form item checked nothing else run ad scripts type thing
but what abut the main question or would that more be for paul to answer
12/20/18 05:15:21PM
3,304 posts

switching from highly customized ningja to ninja and old shops to new

Using Jamroom

seperate question but is there a way to block ad scripts if a form fields added and checked
i dont alow anything sexualized in any way but casual, incidental, or artistic nudity if minimal is ok, but not with adsense. so want a way to block the ad script with a simple check box and if then else script run condition.
its just several ppl take dread photos straight out of the shower after waashing and hadn't even realized a nipple wass showing.. other videos from rainbow gatherings might have a few naked people wandering by..
even a video of the omo people
Natural Fashions of the Omo Valley, Ethiopia

which is the most beautiful thing i've ever seen would get flaged by adsense, so i want a way to add a may contain nudity checkbox that disables ad scripts rather then remove members content thats perfectly harmless like a breast feeding momma (we have a breast feeding group and a natural parenting group and stuff like that)
12/20/18 03:30:53PM
3,304 posts

switching from highly customized ningja to ninja and old shops to new

Using Jamroom

yes i am wayyy behind omn site updates
been dreading updating from ningja to ninja and the old shops to new

what is the easiest way to do it if its highly customixzed including adding class names
what in css and templates match up and what does not? do shop products port over to new system so only my list calls would need updating/

what is the best easiet way to do further updates i had been creating a new version of each relase compare and edit each template backing up 3 css files and using my custom ones

but every release requires redoing all that is there a way to have new releases use existing customizations without creating a new clone and editing that all over again?

what re the primary diferences from ningja and ninja and the old and new shops
updated by @soaringeagle: 04/08/19 02:15:36AM