Forum Activity for @soaringeagle

01/28/16 11:54:37AM
3,304 posts

accelerated mobile pages complance in new core


probably the same
amp pages will get a boost, non amp pages wether you just neglect to make them compliant, or they fail validation will get a penalty

it only applies to mobile searches not standard searches

but there are many times that i look at my real time stats and 100% is mobile or tablet
so it is really really important to gain that edge
01/27/16 10:23:12PM
3,304 posts

bug (i think) report imzage cache still not clearing correctly

Installation and Configuration

no matter what time i set to clear image cache it doesn't clear correctly
my home partition was just at 94%!!!!!!
i manualy did clear image cache it went to 84%

i then went into ssh, went to data/cache and used rm -rf *
it went to 38%

when it thinks it is clearing cache it is not deleting the files off the drive, just no longer referencing them (at least that's what i think must be going on)

this is kinda a serius issue as it gobbles up 400 gigs in about a week or 2
and the only way to fix it is to delete them through ssh

i suppose i could also set up a cron job to do it on a schedule
but would be better to fix the underlying problem

the reason most sites might not be experiencing this issue as severely as i do is because i run a sitemap crawler nonstop that always moves all images into cache evrey 4 days

i used to have it set at 30 days before clearing czache so all images were always in cache and still it only added a few percent to the home use (i use a separate drive for media)

it would use about 100 gigs for media cache

but now it says its using 100, but in reality is using over 400
because 300 were "cleared' but not deleted

updated by @soaringeagle: 05/03/16 03:51:52PM
01/27/16 07:50:21PM
3,304 posts

accelerated mobile pages complance in new core


i foiund a way to find them all, but i need 2 header templtes 1 that is amp header 1 that is not

its not truly essential, but is preferred as i want a message saying that it is an amp page, and they should login for the most up to date page

i posted a separate post about the linking problem since it was sort of a separate subject
01/27/16 07:46:52PM
3,304 posts

can you use json in the head to assign current page url to smarty variable

Design and Skin Customization

heres the situation, i am working my way through developing a pro user tip to enable amp (accelerated mobile pages) functionality wich they say will give you higher rankings and referential treatment in mobile searches.

i have 99% of it figured out except for this
taken from the tech docs on amp

Linking pages with

In order to solve this problem, we add information about the AMP page to the non-AMP page and vice versa, in the form of
tags in the

Add the following to the non-AMP page:

<link rel="amphtml" href="">

And this to the AMP page

<link rel="canonical" href="">

What if I only have one page?

If you only have one page, and that page is an AMP page, you must still add the canonical link to it, which will then simply point to itself:

<link rel="canonical" href="">

i edited the header.tpl to load a amp_meta.tpl when users on mobile, and not logged in
i will edit every page calling the header.tpl to call a amp_header.tpl when mobile and not logged in, this will include a message "you are viewing an accelerated mobile page, please join, or login for full functionality, and the most up to date content'

the regular meta.tpl will have link to amp url, wiich will simply be the http version of the url
while amp_meta.tpl will have the canonical link to the https version of the current url

heres the big problem, every module builds the urls based off base_url module url user id etc etc

that simply will not work for what i need
i need a json script (do they work in the head) or some way of capturing {this-url} minus the http/https assigning it to a smarty variable and in the link code just do http or https://{thisurl}

i hope that makes sense

once this problems figured out i should have a relatively easy way to make your whole site amp compliant

(though it may need testing and refining)
i am very close to having it figured out, just stuck on this 1 lil detail

updated by @soaringeagle: 04/28/16 02:04:22PM
01/27/16 07:22:29PM
3,304 posts

accelerated mobile pages complance in new core


i am 1/3 of the way done when i ran into a situation that i cannot figure out

it is required to have a link making it discoverable

from the documentation
Linking pages with

In order to solve this problem, we add information about the AMP page to the non-AMP page and vice versa, in the form of tags in the .

Add the following to the non-AMP page:

And this to the AMP page

What if I only have one page?

If you only have one page, and that page is an AMP page, you must still add the canonical link to it, which will then simply point to itself:

how exactly do i ensure the proper urls are built when each module builds it with diferent smarty codes

is there a json way to get the page url
for the non amp page use https as if logged in and on amp page use just http
but otherwise have it create a smarty variable like {$thisurl}

see this is where i am thinking its not simply going to be a matter of just editing templates

if someone can help me solve this issue, i will have a completed user tip tomorrow
i only have to edit the 1/2 dozen pages that call the header template and create a amp header template

i just don't get how I'm supposed to handle this linking thing
01/27/16 06:02:49PM
3,304 posts

accelerated mobile pages complance in new core


i think i figured it all out, but need to know all templates that call the header.tpl

cause i need a amp header and amp meta

also, amp pages need all the css has to be in a amp-css within the head, no external stylesheets (except to fonts)

so if i am to combine all the stylesheets, into 1 wht orders best cause you cant use !important either
wich i use in site.css since i do 99% of all my styling in there so that will go last with all the importants stripped

i'll figure most of it out just need to find every include header
and using windows search serch within contents don't seem to work on tpl files
01/27/16 05:13:26PM
3,304 posts

accelerated mobile pages complance in new core


ok, i am willing to attempt this on my network, as a test, however i will need a lil code advice to give it compliance.

i know how to load the custom amp meta,
and how i will load a custom amp head that will have the additional note you are viewing the accelerated mobile page, to view the full page content please log in

but how exactly will i go about disabling the disallowed tags

wait...could it be as simple as a amp stylesheet that sets all disallowed elements to display none?

i desperately need the extra traffic since my servers so damn expenive
01/27/16 05:04:46PM
3,304 posts

accelerated mobile pages complance in new core


no, not at all, read up on it, from here on out pages optimized to load extra fast in mobile devices this way will get preferential treatment in all mobile searches
this could mean a huge diference in ranking
if a page moves from page 5 to 1 that's huge
if all your pages do, that's massive

the entire wbs moving towards mobile 1st
mobiles are slower, metered, and have a cost per page
more and more effort will go into lowering the cost per page and increasing the speed o mobile devices to improve user experience and more and more pages that adhere to these guidelines will get prefered treatment

in fact, i just read several reviews of amp
they say performance increases range from 15-85%
and .. not only are amp pages receiving preferred treatment, in the near future those that do not use it will be penalized

already non mobile friendly pages are penalized

id say its not overkill but crucial
seems that most anylists agree
01/27/16 12:23:51PM
3,304 posts

accelerated mobile pages complance in new core


ok that makes sense, but there is more to it then that
once the amp meta is used, you also have to disable certain elements

{if jrCore_is_mobile_device()}
dissalow elements embed, form, etc etc
i forget the whole list
and, it should have a way to switch to the full non Amp..or
perhaps the best way is a note saying "you are viewing a accelerated mobile page, for the full featured page, please login'

then the meta (and tag disabler) would have, if device is mobile and user not logged in
else if device is mobile and user logged in

i agree the lightning bolts stupid
maybe its a mac thing? i dunno

but if you can help me figure this all out and perfect it i think it should be pinned as a user tip

or you know what would be a great idea???
a featured user tips list
or even just a list of posts larked as user tips
01/25/16 06:05:25AM
3,304 posts

accelerated mobile pages complance in new core


well the point is that you can use amp instead of the lightening bolt
but the router.php should be able to serve an amp version or standard version of the page
one that's somewhat stripped down and optimized, and designed to be served from cache (i think google cache not server cache but I'm not certain)
the page has to have embeds and forms and such stripped out of it
but should have a load full version link (and vice versa on the full version should have a load accelerated link to make it discoverable)

it i think would be just a mater f an if/then
if mobile and not logged in, then add amp code, remove non compliant code

but your the experts

maybe someone can make an amp module?