Forum Activity for @soaringeagle

02/18/16 05:09:44PM
3,304 posts

video not converting?

Using Jamroom
this vid is not converting, there is no converting workers in queue
its been up a day or 2
was something messed up when the image cache delete was added to the queue
why can i no longer find a way to auto reconvert or anything

updated by @soaringeagle: 05/23/16 12:21:46PM
02/01/16 02:31:09PM
3,304 posts

foxycart payment issues?

Installation and Configuration

ohhhh ok i got ya
is there any way to set it up as a cron to do it automaticly
01/30/16 10:08:03AM
3,304 posts

foxycart payment issues?

Installation and Configuration

i had a purchase through my site yesterday, the full price of the purchase went into my account, not the shop owners. i thought i should have gotten 3% and them 97%
why aren't they getting the payment
updated by @soaringeagle: 05/04/16 01:28:31PM
01/30/16 10:05:21AM
3,304 posts

accelerated mobile pages complance in new core


what reasons is it giving you for failing
01/30/16 10:04:32AM
3,304 posts

bug (i think) report imzage cache still not clearing correctly

Installation and Configuration

awesome that's exactly the cause cause it does take over 30 sec to clear
01/28/16 08:54:01PM
3,304 posts

bug (i think) report imzage cache still not clearing correctly

Installation and Configuration

i don't know whats going on then
cause like i said, it filled my ssd drive to 94%
i cleared cache and only 10% was cleared
i went into the cache folder and deleted everything and then it was down to 38%
hundreds of gigs were not being cleared properly

i was watching what it did to the drive space, and how long the ssh command took to delete it all

last time ..a few weeks back i tried deleting it all through ftp, it was taking hours'
after deleting cache and image cache there was a hell of a lot of fles left behind

you should already have my server and admin access
if you need it again let kme know
give it some time to build up, ill let you know when the drive reaches 75%
you can clear caches then take a look in cache and see whats still there

is there any sort of cron trickery to clear files from cache folder that have not been accesed in so many days'

it really seems like it has to be storing multiple copies of the same exact file
01/28/16 08:45:11PM
3,304 posts

can you use json in the head to assign current page url to smarty variable

Design and Skin Customization

whew awesome
it took a lil poking around and guesswork
your always such a help
01/28/16 08:12:41PM
3,304 posts

can you use json in the head to assign current page url to smarty variable

Design and Skin Customization

ok tell me if i got this right
i think its close
<link rel="canonical" href="{if isset ($_post._uri)}{$_post._uri} {else}/{/if}">
<link rel="amphtml" href="{if isset ($_post._uri)}{$_post._uri} {else}/{/if}">

that way the front page links to domain/ (it appears all post_uri has the leading /)
if the post_uri exists it appends it after .com

is this correct

(my tip might take 2 days, today was my birthday, tomoro is my first arial filming with my new phantom 3 drone (i just love having to buy my own xmass and bday presents haha)
so tomoros pretty busy
but as long as i got this code correct, i can finish making my site compliant i hope in 1/2 an hour and write up detailed instructions in an hour
it will only take that long cause i have to make a couple parts extra clear

i will still have to validate it make sure it works correctly
01/28/16 07:22:36PM
3,304 posts

bug (i think) report imzage cache still not clearing correctly

Installation and Configuration

i did reset image cache through the system menu
like i said its deleting the image cache that it recognizes as current image cache
but the auto delete images only seems to remove any reference to the files and not the files themselves
after doing delete image cache it said there was nothing in image cache in dashboard (almost nothing a few files that were moved there since deleting)

but it wasn't till i deleted everything in the cache directory that it removed all the excess files (that were in image cache mostly)

if it helps i can give you serer and admin access to see whats going on, i have it now set to 24 hours when i used to always set it to 30 days
it never gobbled up all my drive space like this till the new beta image core
somehow the nightly mainenabce is not properly deleting the files