page created in sb (old version) only shows up when logged in
Using Jamroom
ok i created a page in sb old version since new version does not work
i went to a diferent browser logged out got a 404 not found
i logged in, the page worked
i cleared and disabled sever caching i cleared the data/cache folder manually and the page continues to say not found unless logged in
i expected the same results as every other page i created in sb it to be visible whether logged in or out
actual, it only shows when logged in
additional info
maybe unrelated maybe not
when checking the code for the widget to see if there might be anything in the code causing it, it replaced my containing div and classes with a p and, additionally applied the classes i had applied to the div to every p
it took 3 tries to correct that as it kept replacing them when id save
final notes because i am still having issues with sb new version i may require more help updating to it
the issues with sb new version are
the page edit buttons do not show up
every widget gets double styling because its forced to be within a containing div that is styled if theres a way to rename that containing item to widgetcontainer or something that should solve that but the buttons still do npt show up so i cannot use the sbo additionally, there are 2 empty menu items that are there .. you see the styling around where the buttons should be but nothing inside them
they are on either side of the home button
All the issues i am having with sb core are the same issues i have had with it since early beta
at one point you had tried to get it to work and told me to just remove 1 class name but that only marginally helped it was still a mess