Forum Activity for @soaringeagle

04/08/16 06:42:18AM
3,304 posts

cant create galleries duplicate key error

Installation and Configuration

in jegallery_item its invremented to 108883
in jrgallery_item_key only 108867
every attempt to add a photo ads 1 to item but not key i will do the whole integrity check..again

actually there was a new update but no didn't fix it
I'm reading all sorts of techy pages on that error but they are all creating the queries tables and indexes by command line and cant for the life of me figure out how to apply any of it to a table that's full of data
all the support ive seen if for newly created tables

wait..found this
its for wordpress but seemed to be the only 1 that might work but cant find any auto increment anything anywhere
updated by @soaringeagle: 04/08/16 07:07:27AM
04/08/16 06:38:12AM
3,304 posts

cant create galleries duplicate key error

Installation and Configuration

if you should be able to just drag and drop to reorder them in the edit gallery they do not let me do that
04/08/16 06:33:58AM
3,304 posts

cant create galleries duplicate key error

Installation and Configuration

i haven't tried changing the order just uploading images to old, and new galleries alike
ill try changing the order and see

but you see it is trying to create new of these 108866 its probably at 108876 now. that number increments beyond the last real data, but says its a duplicate

and yes always run the newest everything
04/06/16 07:29:05AM
3,304 posts

cant create galleries duplicate key error

Installation and Configuration

this site just didn't load the new..or any stylesheet (except was the blue)
04/06/16 07:27:55AM
3,304 posts

cant create galleries duplicate key error

Installation and Configuration

ive had db issues
but..i see the4m incrementing
b4 i deleted the 2 the error showed but the images did too

after i thought what i should do was delete the 1 that said was that it said was duped..but its still incrementing above that
well i think only the key is now

i had a lot of server issues .. this is the last thing we cant figure out
04/05/16 12:18:39PM
3,304 posts

cant create galleries duplicate key error

Installation and Configuration

i deleted keys above 108865
in both gallery_item and gallery_item_key
its now trying to create 108870
i see that in gallery_item but nothing in gallery_item_key
before deleting i had seen 1 in item_key with the gallery title but it would not alow the gallery to be created'
I'm so confused

note 2 images uploaded despite the error message, deleting the db keys may have been a mistake
updated by @soaringeagle: 04/05/16 02:16:27PM
04/05/16 12:01:00PM
3,304 posts

cant create galleries duplicate key error

Installation and Configuration

i get this error creating new galleries
Query Error: Duplicate entry 'gallery_order-108866-0' for key 'PRIMARY'
i read that its possibly a result of it not being set to create sequential keys
i have restored backup databased from 3 separate dates trying to fix it and ran integrity check including repair modules
ive done file system checks

i have not tried deleting that key
updated by @soaringeagle: 07/11/16 02:06:05PM
04/04/16 09:17:13PM
3,304 posts

all music says error occured loading media url

Design and Skin Customization

ok its solved..what a freaking nightmare

after cloning and swapping out the media drive, it still persisted, then i tried creating a new account cause sites i hardly use were on godaddy and they were decommissioning the server
so i was creating an account to migrate wich caused dozens of errors then wouldn't stop hour or so later it caused the webserver to restart..wich it didn't start back up.. then rebooting the server caused it to do a file system check.. the brand new media disk woulod not come back online properly still having errors ...but all the issues seemed to fix themselves
now its being shut down again to fix those errors on that disk

so 14 hours shut down to clone the disk 3 to do the filiesystem check and now probably another 2 to do the check on that disk...again
god i hope we don't have to swap disks yet again
04/04/16 05:58:23PM
3,304 posts

all music says error occured loading media url

Design and Skin Customization

ok all files converted to mp3, same error in ff
am i really the only 1 having this issue? it seems the content type is not correct for streamed media but it only affects ff
still no explanation for the images in edge however
btw it was brought to my attention by other members so its not my pc or browser

i thought it was ogg files but all streaming uploaded files have same issue, music imported from soundcloud work fine
mp3 files do not play either
they play in edge but for some reason the images don't all load in edge, edge error console gives doozens of 403 errors that seem to be related to ads, but with ads, and cometchat removed it still has same issues

i spent 3 or 4 days trying to debug this including taking the server down for 14 hours to replace the media drive

final test i copied the url from the error message, into a new played just fine

final suspicion is that the play button uses a javascript that declares an improper type for the url? so the onclick generates an error
will look into that now
media.jpg media.jpg - 97KB
04/04/16 05:10:48PM
3,304 posts

all music says error occured loading media url

Design and Skin Customization

arghhhh i thought reconverting to mp3 only would fix it but no theres only 3 left in the queue but... some play..some don't more don't then do