Forum Activity for @soaringeagle

04/10/16 04:45:45PM
3,304 posts

allow multiple subdomains for image parallel downloads


fair enough, i wasn't sure how that was changed in http2 i just know a lot of speed tests still make that recomendation
04/10/16 04:20:52PM
3,304 posts

videos not converting after 24 hours

Installation and Configuration

what can i search for
ive gone through 600 404's (mostly from old ning structure I'm assuming bots) i searched for ffmpeg and trump but found no results
searched video i found this deleted video_conversions queue entry running for 14401 seconds - 3rd time failing
and i scrolled back to the 1st of the month
searching queue got all similar results (forum verify_db also always fails when i run integrity check it just never completes)
searching conversion i just get 2 like above the deleted it after 3 fails no explanation no questionmark (red not yellow)
and damn just spent an hour trying to find the red error by seas arching thertime stamps, its not chronologically where it should be
i figured thered be an error before it that would give me a clue
attached is whole log if its not too big
it is its 29 megs ill upload it
04/10/16 03:19:45PM
3,304 posts

videos not converting after 24 hours

Installation and Configuration

ps it uploaded and converted to youtube no issues
04/10/16 02:41:53PM
3,304 posts

videos not converting after 24 hours

Installation and Configuration

i have had a couple vids that wont convert
since i cant attach the vid i uploaded it here
(note i renamed the file the original had - and _ which i thought may be the issue)
you see it plays just fine without errors
i have the settings set to 2 workers and priority high
but even though its a pretty short vid it wont convert and has attempted 3 or 4 times with fails
(i know i know its ridiculous in this day and age that that domain needs to exist)
can you save link as and attempt to convert on a dev site i don't know if its server database or site related
this isn't the only video that would not convert either
(is there anything i can do to test the vid for errors that might alow it to play, but not convert?)

updated by @soaringeagle: 08/09/16 08:07:21AM
04/09/16 04:32:14PM
3,304 posts

allow multiple subdomains for image parallel downloads


I don't know php too well, but i believe this should be an easy thing to do
create a module called image parellelzation, or simply add the ability to the image core
next allow the addition of multiple image subdomains, (i believe in the header you can prefetch all the dns for each)
on your server create any number of image1.yourdomain image2.yourdomain etc
on page load, it should automaticly determine the optimal number of hostnames to serve images from, and serve from image1 through image(whatever max number of subdomains were added, or optimal number of hostnames) then devide the images up and serve from that host name
all subdomains would point to the same server space, its simply a way to allow more images to be downloaded in parallel to reduce wait times wich can be 80-95% of entire download time when theres more then a dozen images on a page (like profile pictures)

typically only 2 objects are downloaded at a time from 1 hostname, spreading that workload over multiple hostnames even on the same server means that instead of 2 then wait for 2 more then wait for 2 more etc etc 40 or 50 or more objects can all be downloaded at the same time eliminating much of the wait time and greatly speeding up downloads of the page as a whole
pages with fewer objects and especialy images might not see such an increase
but image heavy sites will load far faster this way.

basicly the php would have to get the total number of images on a page, and assign the url image1.domain to 1st 2 then image2.domain to 2nd 2 etc

i hope this makes sense
this is a good explanation here

updated by @soaringeagle: 07/11/16 05:45:11AM
04/08/16 04:57:03PM
3,304 posts

cant create galleries duplicate key error

Installation and Configuration

damn the more braindead tired i am the smarter i must get
ok final solution
it was incrementing item_id etc
i ran this search in phpmyadmin

FROM `greentec_jam`.`jr_jrgallery_item_key`
CONVERT( `_item_id`
USING utf8 ) LIKE '%gallery_order%'
USING utf8 ) LIKE '%gallery_order%'
OR CONVERT( `index`
USING utf8 ) LIKE '%gallery_order%'
OR CONVERT( `value`
USING utf8 ) LIKE '%gallery_order%'
ORDER BY `key` DESC , `_item_id` DESC , `index` DESC
LIMIT 0 , 30
(just search all tables for gallery_order)
there i saw the highest number was 109110
so i went back to gallery_item copied the one numbered 108865 and made it numbered 109111
it since has added a number more (not sure why) but that solved the duplicate order number by making gallery_item increment from there

i had absolutely no idea what i was doing just going on pure instinct and somehow made it work
04/08/16 03:25:40PM
3,304 posts

cant create galleries duplicate key error

Installation and Configuration

oh no!! now it shows just 1 2 and 3 in the db i mean only 3 items i hope its not overwriting old photos with new
back to square 1 i guess thought i had it fixed
started over
no matter what i do it increments it not sequentially by whats in the db just adds 1 each time if last 1 in db ends in 65 it still adds next 1 as 92
but nothings added to the key

updated by @soaringeagle: 04/08/16 03:43:58PM
04/08/16 03:00:12PM
3,304 posts

cant create galleries duplicate key error

Installation and Configuration

holy %^&*
i fixed it!
ok heres what i had to do
step 1 rename all files related to that table
2 restart MySQL
3 tested it and it incremented as 1 as in the 1st record otr item
then step 4
ran mysqlcheck --check --auto-repair --all-databases
and walla it fixed it

just shows you the power of sleep deprived guesswork
04/08/16 02:50:33PM
3,304 posts

cant create galleries duplicate key error

Installation and Configuration

ok I'm real confused now, i renamed all 3 files in MySQL directory
the .frm .MYD and .MYI adding .bak
the table no longer showed in phpmyadmin i ran the integrity check it did not recreate the table
i expected the gallery to not work at all without that table, but it did work, and got the same error with or without the table (and every save click increments the number) how..i don't know after removing .bak i do see the 2 test save numbers in item but nothings created in item_key
and i don't know how it saved it in item with the table files renamed ..hmm unless it saved it in qurery cache ?
i rsynced the db to backup b4 tests to be safe
should i rename them, restart MySQL then do integrity test?
i really cannot understand how the new keys were saved to the db with the files renamed
04/08/16 07:22:14AM
3,304 posts

cant create galleries duplicate key error

Installation and Configuration

hmmm might be sleep deprivation talking, but ..if i just drop item but not key
then run integrity check wouldn't it recreate item matching the item and item key numbers/
i dont want to try it till i get an answer
but since item is just a list of item numbers that should match the key ..even if integrity check doesn't fix it wouldn't a simple script be able to be written to just create an item for each key ..then it would auto increment?
(be a lil extra clear in your response haven't slept in 3 days trying to figure this and other issues out)
i have an error in cometchat saying it cant create a table without it being removed 1st...but it was