possible jr6 bug
Installation and Configuration
in sb adding images to a page using the sb uploaded images thingy i get the error (with bad grammar) upload file was not saved. no create database item for the file
note: i no longer get any error messages, but still no images show up, and exploring the datastore and db through phpmyadmin jrImage_item and jrImage_item_key have nothing at all in them
i can upload images into the forums using the embed local media button that works
but doesnt seem to use this db table
i suspect its a typo somewhere in the sitebuilder
server logs contain this
2016-10-28 19:18:24 Access 200 POST /core/upload_file/?orderid=1&upload_name=upimg_file&field_name=pm_upimg_file&upload_token=469c90d32334eb1b6fa851113259c4c8&extensions=png%2Cjpg%2Cgif%2Cjpeg&multiple=true&pm_upimg_file=DSCN3418+(1).JPG HTTP/1.1 http:
2016-10-28 19:18:25 Access 200 POST /upimg/create_save HTTP/1.1 http:
which to me looks like a success except for it not writing to the db
ironically, it seemed to work just right a few days ago
further testing dropped tabled ran integrity check verified tables were added back repeated steps ..still failed
oh yea also tried disabling convert to jpg (images uploaded are jpg anyway)
secondary bug
{jrCore_list module="jrForum" order_by="forum_updated desc" limit="10"}
results in the reply showing in the list too instead of just the topic bumping to top of list when updated
updated by @soaringeagle: 01/27/17 02:03:26AM