Forum Activity for @soaringeagle

11/04/16 10:12:23AM
3,304 posts

easy ajax pagination in sitebuider


the old version of sb defaults to pagunation with ajax but new vrsion doesnt paginate unless you add pager= true then doesnt use ajax
11/04/16 08:52:02AM
3,304 posts

easy ajax pagination in sitebuider


what about the activity stream which should paginate using ajax by default right or what code should i use
11/03/16 03:00:46PM
3,304 posts

easy ajax pagination in sitebuider


hmm didn't see it that would be awesome thanx so much
11/02/16 08:42:05PM
3,304 posts

easy ajax pagination in sitebuider


can you add an option under the result6s per page in item lists to use ajax pagination
especially when using multiple lists within tabbed containers this is a huge plus
you have 6 diferent members quotas which you want listed in separate tabs with say 15 results per page
{jrCore_list module="jrProfile" order_by="_created desc" pagebreak="15" pager="true" page=$_post.p }
when you click the pager every tab goes to page 2
instead it would be better if only the results in the current tab go to page 2

also can that be the default action for activity feed
updated by @soaringeagle: 02/06/17 05:05:26AM
10/30/16 05:45:56PM
3,304 posts

page not found when clicking more info on marketplace items

Installation and Configuration

i thought it might be something like that just wanted to report in case it was a bug in the beta marketplace module or something
cant wait for jr 6 to be released bug free
10/30/16 04:23:25PM
3,304 posts

page not found when clicking more info on marketplace items

Installation and Configuration

its this link it says to use this link if you need to use paypal
but on a few modules i get a 404
others work fine
i assume its on beta modules or in the beta marketplace
Untitled.jpg Untitled.jpg - 269KB
10/30/16 04:19:56PM
3,304 posts

page not found when clicking more info on marketplace items

Installation and Configuration

its not the view documentation its the link in the marketplace 1 sec ill grab a screenshot and highlight the linnk
10/30/16 09:05:27AM
3,304 posts

page not found when clicking more info on marketplace items

Installation and Configuration

trying to purchase a few modules for a non profit site im working on but have to use paypal
when i click more info i get page not found (tried on forums and youtube)
that's an example
ps using beta core
pss why are some modules saying you already have a liscence and some don't even though i use those modules on my main site? are some included in the add new site liscence and others are site specific? if so..why

updated by @soaringeagle: 01/29/17 03:28:43PM
10/28/16 09:49:49PM
3,304 posts

possible jr6 bug

Installation and Configuration

ok this
ad the forum list on the front page is the only bug i found so far
see how the replies are listed too not just the forum posts?
10/28/16 09:03:15PM
3,304 posts

possible jr6 bug

Installation and Configuration

ps how soons jr 6 going to be released