Forum Activity for @soaringeagle

12/03/16 12:03:19PM
3,304 posts

still have https issues after jr6 update

Installation and Configuration

ok now that i switched to new sb i get 2 'ghost" menu items that are empty on either side oh home
you see that
12/03/16 11:48:37AM
3,304 posts

still have https issues after jr6 update

Installation and Configuration

thats the 1 jr site alone and have 2 other jr sites 1 almost redy to go live 1 more i need to rebuild from scratch
a fair price and what i can afford might not be the same
granted 1tb is media 320 gigs r so could be on the ssd (i have a 650 gig ssd and a 2 tb saa for media so data/media is a separate mounted drive if i could have that sort of configuration it reduces the price
12/03/16 11:44:21AM
3,304 posts

still have https issues after jr6 update

Installation and Configuration

plus i bought my own server that im spending 80 a month on colocation dont need another expense
12/03/16 11:41:00AM
3,304 posts

still have https issues after jr6 update

Installation and Configuration

you dont have any options that suite my sites because they are huge
12/03/16 11:37:59AM
3,304 posts

still have https issues after jr6 update

Installation and Configuration

ugh now all forum posts are showing up with no text at all
12/03/16 11:36:39AM
3,304 posts

still have https issues after jr6 update

Installation and Configuration

ok il check that and that sux the old sitebuider was all that worked for me the new 1 has issues
12/03/16 11:32:43AM
3,304 posts

still have https issues after jr6 update

Installation and Configuration

front page in http loads perfect in https widgets dont load
or alternately (inconsistently) page says redirection error
other pages css wont load in https
still other weirdnesses is i can post in http which http should have me logged out unles that was changed
some admin pages can be acceswsed properly through http but dont load css in https
when clicking a link in admin it takes you to https page without css

ssl pages worked fine till jr6

updated by @soaringeagle: 03/04/17 04:39:11AM
12/03/16 10:15:43AM
3,304 posts

emergency core update disabled site nothings redirecting right

Installation and Configuration

corection its working! oh thank god.. thank you so much ..
12/03/16 10:14:30AM
3,304 posts

emergency core update disabled site nothings redirecting right

Installation and Configuration

ok repair fu=inished fast in edge i got site loaded minus css i do however have full menu so we are closer ..ow should be able to login and rerun the integrity check