profile designer, profile tweaks to the next level (big project)
I started building this a long time ago using only the edit profile forms and template edits but quickly realized it needed to be its own self contained module.
1 most elements should be able to be given a background, box shadow border radius text size color font even text shadow maybe
it would require color picker and image picker
elements like wrapper content item can be individually styled easily and the module adds inline styles to those elements.
version 2.0 can introduce advanced mode allowing css direct input, opacity settings, (for layered semi transparent backgrounds)
it would have some more advanced direct select options but also alow direct css for stuff like transitions, or more advanced css
i dont think you can use smarty calls in css stylesheets directly but can use smarty calls to load user specific css files, or inject css into the elements themselves inline.
i've experimented with it on small scale on just a couple elements and really like it
as a full function module it would be so appreciated by many users.
i have a whole lot of ideas for it if you want
updated by @soaringeagle: 03/20/17 03:23:52PM