Forum Activity for @soaringeagle

12/17/16 05:32:32PM
3,304 posts

after domain change site attempts to load ssl content inconsistently

Installation and Configuration

one that and i'm not the only one who had these issues either..but its sporadic
12/17/16 04:01:51PM
3,304 posts

after domain change site attempts to load ssl content inconsistently

Installation and Configuration

had the site on a dev domain
added new domain changed dns (might use same ip as dreadlockssite which uses ssl could that be why?)
edited data/config/config.php
cleared cches etc
site worked but inconsistently wont load css, or tries redirecting to https pages
updated by @soaringeagle: 03/20/17 04:25:50PM
12/17/16 12:12:44PM
3,304 posts

profile designer, profile tweaks to the next level (big project)


not everyone knows css or uses firebug or is techy enough to.
a simple switches doials and pick a color or photo interface that takes the css outof it and givesthe user juswt options
like profile photo offer border or box shadow . border radius with round corners 1em riund corners more 3 em make circular 50%
heading color (color picker
add text shadow (checkbox text shadow colr color picker text shadow placement the x y and what is it difuse settings

on the other hand for those who can use css can't we give the a option to add thier own stylesheets
i just think it would be awesome to have more control over profile design
12/16/16 03:29:55PM
3,304 posts

profile designer, profile tweaks to the next level (big project)


I started building this a long time ago using only the edit profile forms and template edits but quickly realized it needed to be its own self contained module.
1 most elements should be able to be given a background, box shadow border radius text size color font even text shadow maybe
it would require color picker and image picker
elements like wrapper content item can be individually styled easily and the module adds inline styles to those elements.

version 2.0 can introduce advanced mode allowing css direct input, opacity settings, (for layered semi transparent backgrounds)
it would have some more advanced direct select options but also alow direct css for stuff like transitions, or more advanced css

i dont think you can use smarty calls in css stylesheets directly but can use smarty calls to load user specific css files, or inject css into the elements themselves inline.
i've experimented with it on small scale on just a couple elements and really like it
as a full function module it would be so appreciated by many users.
i have a whole lot of ideas for it if you want

updated by @soaringeagle: 03/20/17 03:23:52PM
12/14/16 06:10:51AM
3,304 posts

profile featured playlist and ajax pagination in tabbed containers still not working right

Design and Skin Customization

the profile questions re-appeared although i did not see anything in any updates change logs that would explain that
however even though the profile questions are back, the profiles featured playlist (a playlist marked featured that shows in the profile sidebar) has not returned

additionally the tabbed containers do not use ajax pagination in all cases. it does for the activity (jraction) when in a tabbed container, however using combined itel list selecting youtube and vimeo (i assume any combined itemlist but these are the ones i used) and they do not paginate correctly.

just to be extra thorough in my debugging, each tab lists the same combined yt/vimeo items but searches by a *_category
which i added a select feild to add and edit for categories for yt and vimeo
everything lists in the proper categories just the paginations messed up

updated by @soaringeagle: 03/27/17 03:39:30PM
12/11/16 10:42:47AM
3,304 posts

container id not workimg as expected documentation doesn't have any info

Using Jamroom

haha that explains would be extremely helpful if you get it working
12/10/16 05:30:54PM
3,304 posts

container id not workimg as expected documentation doesn't have any info

Using Jamroom

sitebuilder documetation doesn't even mention the container id
the container id help (?) only says "Use this unique id to show this containers widgets on multiple pages."
now thats not very helpful, i assumed that 1 of these apply
1 adding an id to a container with widgets then adding the id to an empty container would populate it with the widgets with the same container id
2 adding a container id would add it to like a select and text so you could select an already named container or add your own
i have a donate widget i want on all pages
i added a donate id to the container containing the widget
i went to a new page added donate to the id of that widget container andnothing else
it did nothing
i hoped the documentation explained its use better but seems it has not been updated to include container ids yet

so whats the proper way to use this?
can the in form help be made a little more...well helpful?
updated by @soaringeagle: 04/13/17 08:19:47AM
12/09/16 03:04:26PM
3,304 posts

site not using ajax pagination in tabbed widget container

Design and Skin Customization

its a combined list youtube and vimeo i used search by *_category
order by _created
results per page 10
12/09/16 01:36:13PM
3,304 posts

site not using ajax pagination in tabbed widget container

Design and Skin Customization

i thought when using tabbed widgets it should default to ajax pagination
is not using ajax pagination like it should
which is weir since activity feed is, as long as its tabbed
might only affect combined lists?
yea if i click pagination in general soaring vids it takes me to page 2 but in the freedoms wings soaring vids tab
weird that activity works right in tab container
i think its only the combined list that doesnt paginate with ajax

updated by @soaringeagle: 03/11/17 04:22:01AM