Forum Activity for @soaringeagle

06/23/16 05:49:17PM
3,304 posts

profile domains on plesk

Design and Skin Customization

i cannot get this to work, no matter how i try
steps i tried
add the exact path to each file in the domains apache/nginx includes sections for ssl and non ssl
this caused apache not to load
i tried editing httpd.conf directly (i know not the right way) i got an error that it has to be in virtualhost
i tried editing the virtualhost but that said the right way to do it was edit the system vjhost.conf for ssl and non ssl
i did all these things
i either get a subdomain on the same ip..or just a 500 error is an example
it should map to
rainbow-music does map to but that's where i get the 500 error
it just wont load it
updated by @soaringeagle: 09/29/16 01:01:47PM
06/23/16 12:44:38PM
3,304 posts

bug report cannot delete uploaded videos

Design and Skin Customization

i'm having that issue again with ffmpeg not converting vids only music (switched from ubuntu to centos with plesk)
but besides that test videos i uploaded and would not convert now cannot be deleted

updated by @soaringeagle: 09/24/16 09:20:03AM
06/07/16 10:55:52AM
3,304 posts

profile domains and ffmpeg issues after switching to nginx

Installation and Configuration

can anything be causing a timeout?
max_execution_time and max_input_time only affect php right not ffmpeg
06/07/16 10:41:38AM
3,304 posts

profile domains and ffmpeg issues after switching to nginx

Installation and Configuration

i switched to centos with plesk and nginx after weeks of frustration with ubuntu
when i did the profile domains will not work now
also ffmpeg converts music but once again it wont convert videos
updated by @soaringeagle: 09/06/16 01:42:33AM
05/11/16 09:36:59AM
3,304 posts

suddenly 99% of all my images stopped working!

Installation and Configuration

we somehow got it dont ask me how i think we resynced everything but the media and it worked
so i cant be sure what fixed it but its fixed
05/10/16 12:14:32PM
3,304 posts

suddenly 99% of all my images stopped working!

Installation and Configuration

weird just clicked quick purchase.. didn't see a receipt either
05/10/16 11:27:35AM
3,304 posts

suddenly 99% of all my images stopped working!

Installation and Configuration

This may be a dumb question- but did you run SYSTEM CHECK to see if everything is installed correctly?
Thought I would ask just in case

several times though the optimization of tables kinds stalled out on galleries
05/10/16 10:51:26AM
3,304 posts

suddenly 99% of all my images stopped working!

Installation and Configuration

ok i reinstalled both modules (and had to pay for) i tried upload a phpoto wich i can download but they just wont display
05/10/16 10:12:28AM
3,304 posts

suddenly 99% of all my images stopped working!

Installation and Configuration

"Error logs work fine (when generating a 404 page or an error page). But there are no errors for the non-loading images."