Forum Activity for @soaringeagle

12/02/15 09:07:18AM
3,304 posts

disqus commenting no longer on forums (bug report and solution)

Installation and Configuration

found it theres an s on comments in last line that shouldnt be there
beta code
{jrCore_item_detail_features module="jrForum" item=$topic exclude="jrComment~item_comments,jrDisqus~disqus_comments"}

correct code
{jrCore_item_detail_features module="jrForum" item=$topic exclude="jrComment~item_comments,jrDisqus~disqus_comment"}
12/02/15 08:52:51AM
3,304 posts

disqus commenting no longer on forums (bug report and solution)

Installation and Configuration

i had disqus commenting sitewide but on the forums they suddenly disappeared
i cant seem to see where i might have added them myself when comparing to older template versions
found it
its in the forum beta item_detail.tpl
the disqus was left out

updated by @soaringeagle: 03/07/16 07:10:09PM
11/30/15 09:43:45PM
3,304 posts

massive admin issues after upgrading to cometchat module

Installation and Configuration

theres no ticket number just emily was helping when i tried to upgrade and failed i cc'd jamroom support in the last 2 responses
it went from bad to worse
i now finaly sorta barely got a chat that pops up and vanishes wont let me change thesemes
ps because i bought the owned liscence long before jrr came up with the module i just did the upgrade to module version instead of paying for the jr module since i havea cometchat liscence paid for
11/30/15 08:52:26PM
3,304 posts

massive admin issues after upgrading to cometchat module

Installation and Configuration

im thinking its a conflict with the beta core

additionnally it seems that disgus stopped working in the forums around the same time

updated by @soaringeagle: 11/30/15 08:57:15PM
11/30/15 07:16:04PM
3,304 posts

massive admin issues after upgrading to cometchat module

Installation and Configuration

cometchat said there was a new version out so i should upgrade it downloaded as a jr module
1st attempt old version loaded, when i removed the js call nothhing loaded but the module seemed installed, i was able to access cometchat module admin etc everything looked fine
they had me rename the old folders re-upload change permissions and reinstall but i cant access much of admin now none of the cometchat admin i can access the integrity check but it wont run
its really weird

i cant even access acp main page

i cc'd u in on the discussion im having with comet
updated by @soaringeagle: 03/09/16 01:40:36PM
11/27/15 05:29:01PM
3,304 posts

Still Unable to upgrade

Using Jamroom

why need an admin skin at all
i did the opposite i made the admin area blend perfectly with my skin
have you tried just not using the admin skin since thats only for you to see anyway
11/25/15 11:55:18PM
3,304 posts

MySQL performance

Installation and Configuration

White Agency"]
Don't know about the sql server being on the same switch but it's in the same data centre ! All our other sites across the other servers are running fast; a couple of these servers are in a different data centre to the sql server and we have no latency issues with them.

We run a separate sql server for security and maintenance reasons. Easier to look after 1 rather than 5! It's specifically built as an SQL server by the hosting company ( and looked after by them ) who have a lot more experience than we do !

I've shown the site to other developers who are not familiar with it and they can't see a problem with the speed. I think because of the low score from the performance check it just got me wondering if there was a problem when in fact there isn't.



heres what i want you to do

login through ssh as root
type perl copy and post the results here
if that says not found

paste this command

wget -O
wget -O basic_passwords.txt

1 line at a time paste 1st line hit enter wait to complete then 2nd etc then 3rd the third will give you the tuner output and suggestions

after you do that ill give you tuneup suggestions i might need a couple other things fter i see the results'
like total number of tables etc
repeat the runs every 48 hours
in a week you should see a real improvement
11/25/15 11:31:12PM
3,304 posts

old sitebuilder construction kit missing

Using Jamroom

i sent u the dev site info and posted about what i see going on and what appears to be the cause
ill play with it tomoro on dev and then if i still cant figure it out i will get back with ya
do i need to import the db to dev too
11/25/15 11:27:49PM
3,304 posts

please do something about profile comments! they are outta control!


was that new had not seen that before but that infinite scroll type thing is awesome
thank you so much it loads so much faster now
i habitually read the whats new when upgrading i must have missed that or was just too tired to register
but that is sooooooo great to have
sorry i hadent seen it before now
u guys are too on the ball with upgrades