Forum Activity for @soaringeagle

12/16/15 06:02:12PM
3,304 posts

spam catcher marks most gallery images as possible spam

Installation and Configuration

i have noticed since adding the api key that most images newly added to galleries go to pending approval and are marked as possible spam

updated by @soaringeagle: 03/29/16 02:51:40PM
12/16/15 05:58:30PM
3,304 posts

newest ningja skins do not work right for me

Ning To Jamroom

made a discovery that may be a clue to whats wrong
on dev, had new sb new skins all menu items fine
reverted to old sb, new skin, there was no way to add or edit menu items

old sb old skin can add menu items but all previos menu items were gone

it seems that we cannot look at 1 problem and ignore the other since both seem to be intertwined
there is a conflict between the old sb and new ningja skins

especially in the menu
12/16/15 05:40:53PM
3,304 posts

newest ningja skins do not work right for me

Ning To Jamroom

dev site has the new version of sb so not seeing the same issues except the issues of the sb .. i do see the buttons but clicking any menu link thats a sb built page takes me right to edit mode
12/16/15 05:32:57PM
3,304 posts

newest ningja skins do not work right for me

Ning To Jamroom

Really need to do one thing at a time or its hard to get any issue to the solved state, the issue gets lost amongst all the reading needed to do to figure out what the issue is.

"issues:menu items vanish when activating skin"
* How do I setup here to see this happening?

What are the steps to take for me to see this happening on my machine. I need to know how to add something, then see it vanish.

(It might be happening on your machine, but that might be the result of a change you've made, so in order to understand it on your machine, I need to understand all the changes made to your machine, I don't want to go to that much effort unless its absolutely necessary.)

i agree machine level testing is a last resort but i will list the relevent changes

1 mariadb 10.0.24
2 litespeed newest version with some tunig and cache enabled
most likely not relevant but for the sake of being thorough, data/media is on a seperate drive a sata not ssd
it is mounted there not symlinked

any other details you need ask, i have done most of the tuning and configuring myself since i had custom needs
i have tested with litespeed cache disabled as well

the only thing i can think of that might be machine dependent would be if the menu tables have changed how they are handled
a diferent engine or something

1 min, i will test on my dev site
12/16/15 05:25:38PM
3,304 posts

newest ningja skins do not work right for me

Ning To Jamroom

as i stated i tested on the unmodified, uncloned skin
to test it use old sitebuilder
create a few custom pages, any content
in version 1.1.14 or lower
activate version 1.1.16 or 17
as soon as its activated all your custom pages dissaper\

also, add a 'site forum' a profile for your site forum
add the url see that dispear
check the options in the options in global config
save see them become unchecked

and i said you are welcome to test them on my system
12/16/15 07:29:08AM
3,304 posts

newest ningja skins do not work right for me

Ning To Jamroom

test confirmed
it is the skin itself,
skin as installed versus how it should be screenshots
all you need to do to replicate it is add a page or 2 in sitebuilder using version 14 or earlier then activate 16 or 17 and see it mess up the menu completely
note using old sb version still, new sb is closer but not there yet
Untitled.jpg Untitled.jpg - 15KB
12/16/15 07:20:21AM
3,304 posts

newest ningja skins do not work right for me

Ning To Jamroom

ps besides these 2 issues i also posted 1 about non asci charachters not encoding correctly in activity feed (only when you comment on thier profile)
there were 3 issues i posted about that never got a reply
12/16/15 07:18:58AM
3,304 posts

newest ningja skins do not work right for me

Ning To Jamroom

i tried version 16, i unchecked all my custom templates ..wich would disable all my javascripts too, and it happened

you can login to my site, enable the ningja version 16 or 17

wait i can even test it on the uncloned ningkja when trafics low
12/15/15 08:41:24AM
3,304 posts

newest ningja skins do not work right for me

Ning To Jamroom

i posted this before and never got resolved the issue continues in newest version, if not has gotten worse

menu items vanish when activating skin, all menu items revert to defaults (this maybe somewhat related to continuing issues i have with the sitebuilder core)
all custom pages, as well as the "site forum" vanish in 16, the site forum link was there just said forum not dreadlocks forums
now no forum link shows up
photos reverted to images, shops disapeared entirely

also in the global config, checking boxes, adding the forum url etc, then saving they revert to the original unsaved versions

i posted discussions about this and the site builder issues but still have gotten no response
so, i will include the sitebuilder issues here too as well as send a email to support since i am still using version 14 of the ningja skin and have not gotten help on this isue through the forums

sitebuilder core, (and old sitebuilder)

no sitebuilder button shows yup at all, the div for it seems to be bashed up in my js code just before the closing body tag, by that i mean stuck in the middle of a block of code for my ads etc
when clicking any pages built with sb it goes into the edit mode but theres no way to change layouts, add widgets etc... when typing any unknown url, it asks me do you want to create this page, if i click yes i get the default layout, no way to edit or change anything
also after running integrity check 2 "ghost" menu items appear, they have no words, they are just empty, smaller then the menu items woth words, they do not belong there
they appear on either side of home, or was it shops. i believe my post that was never replied to, in sitebuilder forums has screenshots

old sitebuilder:
the construction kit no longer shows up

note, i tested v 16 of ningja without any of the template customizations checked, and still got the same exact issues

i have a theory, well more a hypothesis, that both ningja and
sb are mixing code in with my js at bottom of body,or for some reason conflicting, the js for the ads does use a comment that for some reason shows up when you inspect element, wich i thought shouldnt..

both sb

updated by @soaringeagle: 03/17/16 07:38:38PM
12/12/15 11:16:50PM
3,304 posts

sitebuilder and ningja bugs persist

Using Jamroom

ok i think i found part of the issue but in the process found even more whacko behavior!
finding the class name for the buttton, its burried inside a block of javascript codes for my bottom ad, and the contact form, the button code seemms to be somehow inside a big block of js and comments

now the whacko behavior
any page created with the sitebuider...except the front page, when i click the link its in edit mode! but i cklick home, and its not

also wasnt theres a ?=reset or something that used to fix the old sb i cant remember the exact way it was used does it still work

i wonder if something changed in both ningja and sb that the bottom ad codes messing up the menu, and the sb button and functionality