Forum Activity for @soaringeagle

12/27/15 11:04:45AM
3,304 posts

bug many activity links link to domain only

Installation and Configuration

the 1st was a video not forum 2nd was the "ghost" comment
and the link i posted was a comment on a profile that used arabic or something characters, the name appears correctly in the 1st comment but not the 2nd it doesnt encode

i'll see if theres a newer update but i just noticed this this morn (not the @ the vid comment)
12/27/15 09:55:08AM
3,304 posts

bug many activity links link to domain only

Installation and Configuration

actually heres the other 1 right below it and ps i posted a discussion a week, maybe 2 ago about non asci charachters not encoding in comment replies, never got a response
Untitled.jpg Untitled.jpg - 293KB

updated by @soaringeagle: 12/27/15 09:55:44AM
12/27/15 09:52:21AM
3,304 posts

spam catcher marks most gallery images as possible spam

Installation and Configuration

ah that is odd and the double extention is a typical virus trick, but usually its like .jpg.exe or something..
12/27/15 09:49:45AM
3,304 posts

Still Unable to upgrade

Using Jamroom

Ken Rich:
Thanks for all the help and tips... All's well that ends well...

I have a new skin on my site now which is a Ninja Clone. The homepage was made to look like the Nova Light Skin and the Nova featuring system is incorporated.

This allowed be to stop using a "2 skin" solution through the Admin Skin module.

Consequently, I have successfully upgraded to Site Builder 2 and am having no issues.

I FIGURED THAT WASTHE BEST OPTION, ningja is easily customo] izable to look nothing like ningja and fit into any design you want, especialy using sitebuilder to create custom pages , and create custom pemplates
12/27/15 09:39:58AM
3,304 posts

Still Unable to upgrade

Using Jamroom

Ken Rich:
Hi Gary,

Sorry but I do not have the java and CSS skills for that. I spent many days at it before and couldn't even find a way to float my radio and logo on top of the page.

I have a featuring system as well in the Nova that shows 4 members, 4 songs, 4 videos, etc. all from the paid subscriber quota only, but I can't get it to work in Ningja. Something about how it resets with ajax or java. I have members who pay to be in that.

The rest I could handle but not those two issues.

thats simole tio do with jrcorelist search=quotaid 4 or something thats not exactly right but its super simple
12/27/15 09:36:44AM
3,304 posts

sitebuilder and ningja bugs persist

Using Jamroom

i think its a conflict in ningja versions mainly as the new ningja wont work with old sb
ill be making a new attempt soon
but hey if you have free time and want to give a hand with it that would be cool
12/27/15 09:34:18AM
3,304 posts

old sitebuilder construction kit missing

Using Jamroom

not yet but had issues with new ningja skin not working with old sb
so i am going to attempt it 1 of these nights again
just with the holidays i kinda slacked off
12/27/15 09:32:26AM
3,304 posts

bug many activity links link to domain only

Installation and Configuration

as you see in the screenshot, this link to a video, (i believe it only happens when someone comments on it not the original posting) at the bottom when i hover over it you see it links to the front page
simularly, i had seen a comment posted on a profile
the profile name was missing only @ was there
i can't remember but i think that may also have linked to the front page
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updated by @soaringeagle: 04/07/16 11:19:01AM
12/17/15 07:00:19AM
3,304 posts

newest ningja skins do not work right for me

Ning To Jamroom

i am still unable to get the new sb to work properly though i have not yet tested with ningja 16-17
but with 14 the buttons dont appear i cant add or edit pages when i click any page it takes me direct to edit mode but no buttons to edit
i would love love love to use the new sb
but i just cannot get it to work
i have tried so many times

i will give it 1 final test tonight using ningja 17
updated by @soaringeagle: 12/17/15 07:01:36AM