Forum Activity for @brian

08/06/23 09:24:04AM
10,148 posts

convert executable

Using Jamroom

It was always working until I had to re upload the website to the VPS.
What type of convert is it in cpanel ? in the WHM has many convert that can be installed .

That I don't know. Check that the modules/jrSystemTools/tools/convert binary is executable.

The "convert" binary is part of ImageMagick - so whatever OS you are on you should install ImageMagick and that will install the convert binary.

Let me know if that helps.
08/06/23 09:22:19AM
10,148 posts

select all check box

Using Jamroom

This is already supported - in the User Browser just check all and click the delete button - it will delete the associated profile as well.
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08/06/23 09:20:03AM
10,148 posts

System Core update stalled? (self-hosted)

Using Jamroom

"Opcache" is a new entry in the Jamroom cache reset - it's a low level cache built in to PHP - depending on how PHP is configured on your server you may not see PHP script changes until Opcache is reset - so that's been added in JR7.

Updating should never take more than a few minutes unless you are on a severely overloaded server - if it seems to hang just refresh and re-run - should be good.
08/06/23 09:16:15AM
10,148 posts

The Plan To Fix New Youtube Channel Names?

Using Jamroom

Thanks for the update on this - I wasn't aware that YouTube had a made a change here. I'll get a tracker open on this and we'll get it fixed up.

08/02/23 11:44:23AM
10,148 posts

System Core update stalled? (self-hosted)

Using Jamroom

Yep - that is way too long - should never be more than a minute or so. Just refresh the page, run an integrity check and reset caches - then continue with updates. Let me know if that helps.
07/30/23 11:25:30AM
10,148 posts

PHP modules

Using Jamroom

Jamroom doesn't use apcu-bc - it just uses the main APCu package. "apcu-bc" is an additional page you can install on PHP 7 to give you the optional op-code caching that APC provided back in the PHP 5 days. PHP 7+ uses the built-in PHP "opcache" package for op code caching, so APC was split up in to APCu and APCu-bc packages.

You do not need apcu-bc - just install the main apcu package.
07/29/23 03:19:48PM
10,148 posts

AudioPro2 Skin Issue

Installation and Configuration

I have done something to my site and I don't know what but now the home page does not display, I do not know how to get it back. I can log in from the url okay. Could use some help please,

If you customized a template, undo your changes - if you did it in the Skins -> Templates tab, just UNCHECK the template so it is no longer active and save, then reset caches.

Let me know if that helps.
07/04/23 09:41:54AM
10,148 posts

Jamroom 7.0.0rc3 has been released in the Marketplace


After the new update of 7.0.0rc4 and the updated you tube module, the problems seems to be resolved.
I'll keep monitoring new registered users and le you know.
So far it is looking good :)

Awesome - thank you for the feedback :)
07/04/23 09:40:18AM
10,148 posts

SSO Jamroom integration with Ghost

Jamroom Developers

Clay Gordon:
Brian – I am slowly refamiliarizing myself with Global and Quota config options.

Say, for the Image Galleries module I deselect “Allowed on Profile." This would allow members of the quota to SEE galleries already published by clicking on the Images button in the top nav but would not allow them to upload.

There is also a media upload module so I could turn off uploading, but I want people to upload images into Forums posts.

Sorry for the late follow up here. Unfortunately no - the "allowed on profile" basically turns that module on/off for profiles in that quota - any existing galleries would be unviewable. What's really needed here is just a way to prevent NEW items from being created - to do that, go to the Galleries page for a profile - i.e. the main profile gallery page for that profile (not an individual gallery) - and you'll see the "+" button for creating a NEW gallery. Click the "configure these buttons..." button (see my screenshot), and modify it so it can only be used by master admins.

That will prevent new ones from being created but still allow the existing ones to be viewed. This works the same for all module indexes on a profile.

Let me know if that helps.
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07/04/23 09:25:03AM
10,148 posts

ACP Problems

Using Jamroom

Look for errors in the data/logs/error_log file - that is where the errors will be logged.