Forum Activity for @brian

08/26/23 01:31:32PM
10,149 posts

Jamroom API Questions


Ken Rich:
I think we cross-posted. If it is no longer supported, how does one access API endpoints with Jamroom now?

Proxima was designed as a mobile backend as a service for users and objects - Jamroom has never had a "general purpose" API for all of Jamroom. So there are no API endpoints. Sorry about that!
08/26/23 01:08:28PM
10,149 posts

Jamroom API Questions


Proxima is no longer supported but you can read about it here:

It's not a general purpose API for Jamroom.
08/13/23 12:30:00PM
10,149 posts

clickable link with the price in the play list player

Using Jamroom

This would require customizing the players which is a much bigger job than it may seem. I can added it to our tracker but it may not happen soon.

08/13/23 12:28:54PM
10,149 posts

audio import tool

Using Jamroom

There is a price now THANKS!
Instead of importing on a quota, can the model be modified to import on a profile with the option to import on quota or profile ? because one artist may have many more songs and would be good for all that artist song to be on one profile.


This module doesn't work that way - it is all based on the ID3 tags in the audio files - profiles, images, etc will be "extracted" from the ID3 tags and profiles will be automatically created as needed. This module is designed for importing hundreds or thousands of audio files at a time (it will descend into sub directories so you can import an entire tree structure of files).

if you want to upload a large set of MP3 files to a single profile, just use the regular Audio module.

Let me know if that helps.
updated by @brian: 08/13/23 12:29:15PM
08/12/23 11:39:33AM
10,149 posts

audio import tool

Using Jamroom

Update to the latest Audio and Audio import modules and this should be working. Let me know if that helps.
08/12/23 10:37:50AM
10,149 posts

audio import tool

Using Jamroom

Any updates? I would like to import some songs but will take too long to add prices to all 1000 songs.

I will get a tracker open on it so we can get that added in.

08/08/23 02:50:38PM
10,149 posts

Email Notifications Plain Text Only?

Using Jamroom

Ken Rich:
Thanks Brian - sorry to bother you...

No worries - there's a number of new changes and updates in JR7 so you may see some things you're not used to seeing.
08/08/23 12:26:38PM
10,149 posts

The Plan To Fix New Youtube Channel Names?

Using Jamroom

Perfect - I appreciate it!
08/08/23 12:19:28PM
10,149 posts

The Plan To Fix New Youtube Channel Names?

Using Jamroom

Okay, thank you. I found a workaround to grab the channel ID.

OK sounds good - if you want to share your work around it could help others :)

08/08/23 11:59:04AM
10,149 posts

The Plan To Fix New Youtube Channel Names?

Using Jamroom

Is there a way of finding the channel ID? Maybe even through a ping or something?

No - the only thing you could do a search, but that will return any channels that match - even partial matches. So there's no reliable way to do it in the code.
updated by @brian: 08/08/23 11:59:16AM