Forum Activity for @brian

08/13/19 08:14:47AM
10,149 posts

Combining Sign Up and Subscriptions

Using Jamroom

Note that you can set the custom redirect URL for each quota in the ACP -> User -> User -> Quota Config -> "Signup Redirect Page". So you can setup a flow where the user creates their account and are directed right to the subscriptions page to subscribe.

A little bit of history on this one - back in JR4 we used to support this and it was very, very problematic for our sites - the problem is that a profile_id must exist for a subscription to work (since the subscription is basically an "item" belonging to a profile) - so what we had attempted to do was create the profile/user from the payment system callback - but that depended on the info coming back to us from say PayPal - and we had lots of users who would use payment information that was NOT the account they wanted to be under, so there had to be mechanisms to "repair" profiles and user accounts that had been created with the wrong information sent back to us in the callback.

Having the account created first solves all these issues, and is a very "normal" flow for internet accounts (i..e you can't become an Amazon Prime subscriber without signing in first, etc.).

Let me know if that helps.
08/13/19 08:08:37AM
10,149 posts

Alt Image Tag Issue

Design and Skin Customization

A couple years ago i paid someone to remove the file type from my alt image tags
I have never understood the reasoning behind jamroom automatically adding ".jpg" or ".png" to every alt image tag

"alt" tags are for accessibility - they should be a textual representation of what the HTML element is - in this case it's an image, so the image name being in the alt tag makes sense.

When I upload an image to a news article I use the file name as the caption to the image so i dont have to go into the html code and add the caption
For instance if i upload an image of a Bear I would name the file " This is a bear"...then my mod would automatically add that caption to the photo

The issue was a few years back jamroom was adding the file type to the alt tag so my captions were reading "This Is A Bear .jpg"

So again I am having to go into the code each time I upload an image and remove the file type from each alt tag

Is there a reason for this file type being added to the alt tags and how to remove it?

Where are you mainly seeing this at? Is your News Articles module a custom module or a JR module you're using for news?

I am not wanting to pay again to get this done...

Also with recent updates uploading images i am experiencing a problem with the image settings being cached

Used to be once i set the image at 320 px Position float left Margin 10- it was cached for additional images....for some reason the position is no longer being cached and is now going to a default of STRETCH instead of "float left"

If you're running the latest Jamroom Core 6.4 beta releases, and are using Chrome (or a Chrome derivative such as Brave, Chromium, etc.) make sure and do a REAL cache reset - if you are on a Mac it is:


I'm not sure on Windows, but the regular "refresh" will NOT reload the JS properly, and JR Core 6.4.0+ is updating to TinyMCE 5.0 which changes a number of things. It could be there is additional changes needed - I can check the image embed module and see if I can reproduce this.
08/08/19 04:26:24PM
10,149 posts

tifig software error in the System Check.

Installation and Configuration

Hi Michael. Thanks for the reply.

Well, I can't find the location of the tifig on the server. How to know whether it is even enable or not and how to enable/install it on the server? I have root access through SSH.

Is there any other solution to fix this tifig error in the JR System Check apart from adding this line to /data/config/config.php?


No - that is how it is done. It sounds like (for whatever reason) your server does not like that binary. You would need to have your hosting provider install tifig at the server level:

and once that has been compiled and placed in /usr/local/bin (or wherever) then you can update the config.php file:

$_conf['jrSystemTools_tifig_binary'] = '/usr/local/bin/tifig';

Note that tifig is ONLY used to convert HEIC and HEIF images from iPhone X (and newer) to JPG - it's not even needed most of the time since the iPhone will convert to JPG for uploading by default - it's only used if the user chooses to upload the raw photo.

Let me know if that helps.
updated by @brian: 08/08/19 04:27:33PM
08/08/19 04:23:03PM
10,149 posts

Marketplace Doesn't Recognize 30 Day Trial

Installation and Configuration

Right. So does the trial only include the modules from the package with the link y'all send or does it include all modules. I installed through Softaculous and then put in my marketplace credentials, I take it that won't work for the premium trial?

Do I need to purchase first and then if it doesn't work request a refund?

No - the problem here is the softaculous install - that's going to get you just the open source core install. What you need to do is go here:

and scroll down to the premium package you want to install and click the "download" button. This will allow you to enter your email (or if you are already installed it knows it) - it will then send you a special download with a special code in it that will let you get setup on the 30 day trial. Make sure and use the same email address at install time that you have on your account here and it will link up.

Let me know if that helps.

08/08/19 04:19:24PM
10,149 posts

Some Suggestions on JR module's update method/approach

Using Jamroom

This really shouldn't be an issue for you:

1) Go into the ACP -> Core -> Marketplace -> Global Config
2) Set the "Marketplace Versions" to the number of versions you want to keep - i.e. 2, 3 etc.
3) Run an integrity check and it will be "cleaned up".

My guess is you have that setting set at "Keep all Versions" and have just never changed it.

Let me know if that helps.
08/07/19 11:35:33AM
10,149 posts

Core Update - TinyMCE errors

Installation and Configuration

Well....that was embarrassing. Working on a react project in Chrome right now, and purposefully keeping my cache dirty. (long story)

Thanks as always, Brian.


No worries - glad that worked. Thanks!
08/07/19 11:34:46AM
10,149 posts

Shopping cart pass specific file in sale

Jamroom Developers

This isn't how you want to go about this - you would want 3 items - one for small/medium/large. Each can then have its own file and price.

Let me know if that helps.
updated by @brian: 08/07/19 11:34:59AM
08/06/19 02:39:16PM
10,149 posts

Erroneous Disk Usage % Info For My Server?

Installation and Configuration

Jamroom simply reports what the underlying OS reports to it, so if it is not showing correctly then it means the underlying OS is reporting it incorrectly and you will need to contact your hosting provider.
08/06/19 02:38:08PM
10,149 posts

Site Hacked

Using Jamroom

My site got hacked today and I have re-uploaded and overwritten the files because the repair.html wouldn't work, now when I try it I get the following:- error: jrCore_checktype: unable to load checktype plugins
Is there a solution please?

Contact your hosting provider and restore from a backup - there is no "clean" way to restore from being hacked.
08/06/19 02:37:27PM
10,149 posts

Core Update - TinyMCE errors

Installation and Configuration

Make sure you have updated to all the latest updates, then if you are using Chrome you have to do a TRUE browser refresh by pressing:

Command-Shift-R (on Mac)

For windows there seems to be conflicting reports of how to do it:

Chrome unfortunately is super aggressive about caching even when it is wrong. You can also try a different browser.

NOTE: If you are using any 3rd party editor plugins, such as the "Editor Code Mirror" module, you need to disable those until Steve comes out with an update.

Let me know if that helps.