Foxycart no longer working
Installation and Configuration
Ken Rich:
Yes, except that the Foxycart checkout template doesn't show what you are showing.
My screenshot is the Jamroom shopping cart - not FoxyCart.
So in the example in the screenshot, I have a 9.99 dollar CD showing as 13.99 with zero shipping shown on the form. The 4-dollar shipping charge isn't shown, it is included in the subtotal, and zero shows for shipping and handling charges. That is deceptive.
This is not Jamroom doing this - log in to your FoxyCart admin and see if you can disable shipping. My guess is that at some time years ago you enabled shipping options in your FoxyCart and they are still showing. Jamroom is not adding that line.
Moreover, the shipping charge is not included in the Profile Payout, even though the setting is made to include it. In other words, "Include Shipping in Payout" is checked but it is not being included.
So this is from the Payments -> Tools -> Profile Payout?