Forum Activity for @brian

03/02/18 01:50:13PM
10,148 posts

Ensure APCu functions have been enabled in your PHP install

Design and Skin Customization

Something has changed on your server - if you're not seeing the load values anymore, then it means that the system() function call is no longer working (or being blocked). I have a feeling a server update might have been performed on your server - I would double check with your hosting provider. Nothing has changed in regards to the load levels in the dashboard in a really long time, so if that just stopped working then something on the server changed.
03/02/18 12:37:37PM
10,148 posts

System Tools Errors

Installation and Configuration

You'll want to contact your hosting provider and find out why those binaries are not working then.
03/02/18 12:09:00PM
10,148 posts

Ensure APCu functions have been enabled in your PHP install

Design and Skin Customization

Also- the server just enabled the APCu if you look at the System Check- the actual check is completely missing
Does this only show up in the check if there is an error/

Correct - you only see the notice if it is not working.
03/02/18 12:08:35PM
10,148 posts

Ensure APCu functions have been enabled in your PHP install

Design and Skin Customization

The database is slowest ?

Yeah that is a pretty bad DB score. As long as caching is enabled it will help, but ultimately if it stays that slow your site will be slow.
03/02/18 12:07:45PM
10,148 posts

Ensure APCu functions have been enabled in your PHP install

Design and Skin Customization

I just cleared the error log- then ran a complete integrity check- then returned to the error log- thought posting it might be helpful
[02-Mar-2018 13:06:15 America/Tegucigalpa] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in /home/rough/public_html/modules/jrInject-release-1.0.0/include.php on line 58 [27]

These are just notices - you should NOT see these - make sure you are not running in Developer Mode.
03/02/18 12:06:38PM
10,148 posts

System Tools Errors

Installation and Configuration

Maybe try reloading the system tools module from the ACP -> Core -> Marketplace -> Reload Modules and Skins section - if it's working on one but not the other, then I'm not sure what the issue would be.
03/02/18 10:44:23AM
10,148 posts

Profile Domain Not mapping - Forwarding to

Using Jamroom

I think so. I did check dns propagation around the world it was working.

Honestly I have no idea maybe cache on my server idk. But it's working :-)

Glad it is working - and just a note that it's pretty normal for DNS to "bounce" a bit as it is propagating - we see that here on our hosting as well - it will show active in DNS one minute, and then inactive the next. Takes about an hour I would say (at least for our DNS) before it is all stable.
03/02/18 10:42:55AM
10,148 posts

Ensure APCu functions have been enabled in your PHP install

Design and Skin Customization

just wondering if its something that came out with the new core and what it means?
Everything on the site seems to be working fine despite this error so i was curious

It's optional, but helpful to get it installed. APCu provides a small, persistent "RAM cache" on the server that Jamroom will use for the locks that it needs when managing multiple processes (mainly around the queue system). I'd recommend getting the APCu support installed if you can - it will help a bit on your site if you get slammed with 25,000 viewers again :)
03/02/18 10:41:07AM
10,148 posts

System Tools Errors

Installation and Configuration

What is the operating system for your server?
03/01/18 01:31:41PM
10,148 posts

Preventing accidental deletion of my Forum Profile / disable delete button

Design and Skin Customization

And just to add - if for some reason this DOES happen again, just go into ACP -> Tools -> DB and System Backup -> Tools -> Hourly Backup Browser. You can then restore the tables/items that were deleted right there.