Forum Activity for @brian

01/04/19 07:41:39AM
10,149 posts

New Install, Error 500, Can't Run Install

Installation and Configuration

What is strange is that in the package I downloaded there was no .htaccess file. See my screenshot of the decompressed zip file. Can you confirm that the contents of the file I downloaded are all in tact?


It's there - it's a hidden file. All files that start with a . are considered "hidden". In your FTP client make sure you've set the option to "show hidden files". Let me know if that helps.
01/04/19 07:40:38AM
10,149 posts

New Install, Error 500, Can't Run Install

Installation and Configuration

OK it sounds like it had not been installed, although I am not sure why you would get a 500 error there. It should have just redirected you to the installer.

I would recommend asking your hosting provider WHY there was no logging of the 500 error in your error log - that absolutely should be logged so you can see what issue could be causing that.
01/04/19 07:35:42AM
10,149 posts

Is Jamroom Branding Removed with the $299 package?

Installation and Configuration


Can you tell me if the Jamroom branding is removed when we upgrade to the Premium Package?


Yes - you can remove all Jamroom branding.

Let me know if that helps.

01/04/19 07:35:13AM
10,149 posts

New Install, Error 500, Can't Run Install

Installation and Configuration

A 500 error means that there is a web server misconfiguration - i.e. Jamroom is trying to use mod_rewrite in the .htaccess file, and your web server does not allow mod_rewrite. You should be able to see the exact error in your web server error log - look in your "logs" directory for the web server error_log - the latest entries will be at the bottom.

Let me know if that helps.
12/31/18 01:19:15PM
10,149 posts

new value

Jamroom Developers

You could do this with a Core "view_results" listener that just does a straight up string replace based on the module/view - i.e.

jrCustom_view_results_listener($_data, $_user, $_conf, $_args, $event)
    global $_post;
    if (isset($_post['module']) && $_post['module'] == 'myCustomModule' && isset($_post['option']) && $_post['option'] == 'item_create') {
        $_data = str_replace('form_select_and_text_tag">new value', 'form_select_and_text_tag">changed value', $_data);
    return $_data;

"item_create" would be the name of your form view function you want to change the value on. It feels like a bit of a hack but should work :)
12/05/18 02:30:10PM
10,149 posts

downloaded Attached files stripped of "." from the file name

Using Jamroom

This has already been fixed in the Core 6.1.12:

- Bug Fix: Some downloaded item files may not get the correct file extension for the file type

That should be out of beta shortly.

11/05/18 11:11:42AM
10,149 posts

profile domain queue tasks never complete new version seems to have missing db feild

Using Jamroom

Unable to process your request

The system has encountered an unrecoverable error - please try again shortly

This is not an error coming from Jamroom, but from your web server. Can you check your data/logs/error_log and see if anything is written there?

i should be able to do it manually right?
delete the current version the beta 1 ..the whol folder through ssh then run integrity check to update the symlink?

Yes - just delete the current symlink and point it to the correct one, then run an integrity check.
11/05/18 11:03:56AM
10,149 posts

profile domain queue tasks never complete new version seems to have missing db feild

Using Jamroom

ACP -> Marketplace -> Tools -> Release Archive -> "Restore" by the profile domains module.
11/05/18 11:01:01AM
10,149 posts

profile domain queue tasks never complete new version seems to have missing db feild

Using Jamroom

your kidding
shouldn'tthere then just be a checkbox to disable the dns update so it works on any host?

Sure - if that was the only reason. Profile Domains 2.0 requires updates at the core Apache config level - it's not something that can be done by Jamroom via config files in its directory.

Can you not roll back to version 1.x of the module?
11/05/18 10:32:11AM
10,149 posts

i need a new module (user agents)


hi paul, I know these functions,
but i need custom user agent like this:
{if jrCore_is_shareworld_for_android()}
Template code for share world here

This would be a custom template function that would need to be part of a custom module you create:

You will want to go over that to see how to create your own custom module with custom smarty template functions.