Forum Activity for @brian

02/10/19 08:53:12AM
10,149 posts

Disable caching of an individual template

Jamroom Developers

Make sure and disabled the "Full Page Caching" option in the Core global config.
02/10/19 08:52:42AM
10,149 posts

same templates used diferent results based on smarty calls (only diference was cloning)

Using Jamroom

when you create a forum list, you must specifically get the forum TOPICS - not all entries, since most are going to be follow up entries ON a topic. You need to add an extra search condition:

{jrCore_list module="jrForum" order_by="forum_updated desc" search1="forum_profile_id = 13827" search2="forum_post_count > 0" limit="10" template="my_forum_list.tpl"}

Only topic leader posts have a "forum_post_count".
02/04/19 07:20:08AM
10,149 posts

Mobile version - no text editor, no actions on button upload something...

Using Jamroom

Both these issues are fixed in the latest Jamroom Core beta - 6.1.2b2:

Update and you should be set.

Hope this helps!
02/02/19 09:29:41AM
10,149 posts

Mobile version - no text editor, no actions on button upload something...

Using Jamroom

ok, great! I'm waiting for fix :) and how about buttons with upload necessary action after click on it?

I'm not sure what you mean - can you clarify for me how to reproduce what you are seeing?

02/02/19 08:40:13AM
10,149 posts

Mobile version - no text editor, no actions on button upload something...

Using Jamroom

The root cause of this is work that was done on the latest core to allow tables to be scrolled that overflowed the mobile screen. This required some CSS to be added/removed depending on if the viewer is on a mobile device. The "overflow: scroll" rule apparently is something TinyMCE does not like:

So I am looking into an alternative way of reflowing tables on mobile devices which will allow the mobile editor to work.
01/29/19 06:43:19AM
10,149 posts

Displaying events from one Jamroom site in another Jamroom site?

Using Jamroom

You could also just use an iframe - i.e.

<iframe src=""></iframe>

Then create a template on the source in your active skins directory:


and inside put your {jrCore_list} call:

{jrCore_list module="jrEvent" order_by="_item_id desc" limit=12}
01/29/19 06:41:27AM
10,149 posts

Subscriptions showing in non-selected quotas

Design and Skin Customization

I've worked around the problem by wrapping the tab in a code for the subscription quota so the other quotas can't see it.

OK maybe I am looking in a difference place than. What is the URL you were using to view subscriptions? I'm looking in the "Subscriptions" tab in the Account Settings section.
01/29/19 06:40:29AM
10,149 posts

question about latest jrComment update

Using Jamroom

This likely did not affect you - what was happening is that if you had the recycle bin disabled, comment attachment files were being renamed as if the recycle bin was enabled, thus could be "orphaned" since the comment was actually directly deleted. Again - this would have only affected you if you were not using the Recycle Bin.
01/28/19 03:44:10PM
10,149 posts

Hide/un-publish a post in the forum

Using Jamroom

Using the Change Owner tool would just change ownership of the topic - it wouldn't remove it.

However, with the soon to be released Group and Forum tools module you could transfer the topic to a private group, and then move it back again once you wanted to "republish" it.
01/28/19 03:42:22PM
10,149 posts

Subscriptions showing in non-selected quotas

Design and Skin Customization

Hi Brian, No I don't have 'all quotas' and I was signed out as admin and signed into a test account when I discovered it.

I'm not able to replicate this, so I don't have any recommendation - it's working correctly as far as I can see. Double check that the account you are testing under is only attached to a profile that is not in the display quotas selected.
updated by @brian: 01/28/19 03:42:31PM