Forum Activity for @brian

12/08/19 09:05:54AM
10,149 posts

Gender problems


I just pushed an update to the Genosis Core (version 1.7.0) - update to that and let me know if that looks better.

12/02/19 02:07:42PM
10,149 posts

Gender problems


I've just checked the code out and right now it requires a "spouse" link between the parents - so in this case make sure you have created a "Partner" (from your screenshots) relationship between yourself and Johanna - that should get it working. To do this, go to your profile and click the "add new spouse" link, then click the "Link to Existing Person" button in the upper right and select Johanna.

Let me know if that works.

11/27/19 02:26:50PM
10,149 posts

Delete Pend Requests

Using Jamroom

Something is tying your DB up - it's not the delete requests - they are already heavily optimized (all the DS queries have been heavily optimized). 20-40 seconds means your server is either REALLY overloaded or something else has "locked" the database. If you have SQL backups running in a control panel you might want to check there as they will often lock tables while the backup is running.
11/27/19 02:25:22PM
10,149 posts

Gender problems


Petra Landgraf:
Anyone else who can help?

I see you're talking about the CHART - I didn't realize that. I've been out this week for the holidays but will check this out as soon as I can.
11/18/19 11:49:15AM
10,149 posts

Mailgun - email validations ??


Yeah that's weird - I'm not sure what would cause it to "kick on" in September and not earlier. Does it appear to be working correctly for you now?
11/18/19 11:47:57AM
10,149 posts

How to make Family Tree Child and Offspring Lines


How to get build down? I cannot find it in the documentation page. Any tutorial how to build down the family tree?

In Genosis you can build in any direction - maybe I am not understanding what you mean by "build down"?

- On ANY profile you can click "add new parent"
- On ANY profile you can click "add new child"

This allows you to build both forwards and backwards in time.

Let me know if that helps.
11/18/19 11:45:32AM
10,149 posts

Gender problems


OK yeah this is just a data integrity issue - try this:

1) Go to your daughter's page and REMOVE yourself as a parent - i.e. hover your mouse over your name in the "parents" side bar and click the trash can - that will remove the relationship
2) While still on your daughter's page click the "Add New Parent" link right above the parents box on the side.
3) When the add parent form opens up, click the "Link to Existing Person" button in the upper right - search for YOUR name, select it and SAVE.

That should "rebuild" that relationship link and that should fix it up.

Let me know if that helps.

updated by @brian: 11/18/19 11:46:01AM
11/14/19 02:51:31PM
10,149 posts

template Compare tool window not working

Using Jamroom

hmm... because of what i mentioned in my last post above, now I'm wondering if screen size on Chrome has something to do with this. My new win10 laptop has a small 13" screen. It's small, but it's still a PC, not a mobile device.
SoaringEagle, what's the screen size you're seeing this happen on?
My screen gets mirrored onto a larger monitor as well on my desk, but of course that big monitor is only reflecting/mirroring what is on the very small screen- the content doesn't get changed for the bigger monitor.

And yet... here i am on my macbook air 11" screen, on Chrome in OS13 high sierra,... and it displays fine. But it's on the mac, not win10.

Do you know what the screen resolution is on your win10 laptop?
11/14/19 02:48:26PM
10,149 posts

Mailgun - email validations ??


I just saw a large spike in email validations through mailgun, it's just happened for one month and I got charged a whopping 64c .... But what could have happened to see the increase in email validations - i don't see a large spike in the email logs ... the email that gets sent from my server pretty much all come to my email address, so I'm wondering what could be going on with my system ??

Hi Ken -

The Mailgun module will go through you existing user accounts and validate any that it finds it did not validate. If you've had the option enabled for a while, it's weird you would see a bunch of them all at once. Did you just turn on the validation feature?
11/14/19 02:47:28PM
10,149 posts

Can not access documentation


Thanks for fixing that up Michael.