Forum Activity for @brian

04/27/20 10:41:31AM
10,149 posts

Any Changes To Site Comments?

Using Jamroom

If by "crushed" you mean new lines were stripped out, and you're running Core 6.5.0b24 try RELOADING the core from the marketplace - there was a bug in the strip HTML function that was removing extra newlines that it should not have.

Let me know if that works.
04/25/20 08:38:47AM
10,149 posts

Lucid Skin Error gets my server blocked on Chrome and Safari

Installation and Configuration

Just to follow up here that this is NOT a Jamroom issue - this is mod_security catching a legitimate Jamroom URL and thinking it is a problem. This is an Apache mod_security problem - not a Jamroom problem.
04/25/20 08:37:45AM
10,149 posts

New Jamroom

Design and Skin Customization

Awesome - thanks a ton for the positive feedback - that means a lot to us.

04/22/20 10:28:41AM
10,149 posts

Server Move

Installation and Configuration

Awesome - shoot me an email over at and we can get you a deal :)
04/22/20 10:27:06AM
10,149 posts

Server Move

Installation and Configuration

Glad to see you got that fixed up. Do you have an older Jamroom license - i.e. Jamroom 3 or 4?
04/22/20 09:25:03AM
10,149 posts

Item Tags not incrementing count

Using Jamroom

Yeah Follow Me is active - click on "Elastic 2", scroll down and CHECK the "Set as Active Skin" and save. Then reset caches.

I'd recommend at this stage using a desktop instead of mobile - you'll have an easier time.
04/22/20 08:58:20AM
10,149 posts

Item Tags not incrementing count

Using Jamroom

Yeah something is messed up - are you using Elastic2? Your screenshots don't look like Elastic2, so my assumption has been you already customized it, but based on our back and forth that does not seem like the case. If you're NOT using Elastic 2, I'd recommend switching over to it since I think it will work more like you're looking for. If you're using Follow Me, Follow Me is not really designed as a blogging skin.
04/22/20 08:45:47AM
10,149 posts

Item Tags not incrementing count

Using Jamroom

I don’t know. It seemed like an out of the box function for a blog. I need to know where to go to make it work. I just installed this sw, and it didn’t seem like custom coding would be required to tag blogs and then see the tags.

You can always see the tags - but that's not what you're talking about - you're talking about the COUNT. I've attached a screenshot of a blog post with 2 tags I just created, using Elastic 2. You can see the tags.

In the screenshot you posted you can see the tag ("Holiday Story"), so again I'm not sure what you mean. My assumption is you are talking about the COUNT next to the small tag icon showing "0" instead of "1" - is that correct?
04/22/20 08:37:16AM
10,149 posts

Item Tags not incrementing count

Using Jamroom

OK got it - you're simply talking about the COUNT of the number of tags on the item. For some reason I thought you were talking about not being able to find tagged items.

The number of tags on the item will be available in the "blog_tags_count" key (if this is a blog entry, it would be "audio_tags_count" if it was an audio file, "video_tags_counts" if it was a video entry, etc.).

Which template are you adding these counts to? (the one from your first screenshot above).
04/22/20 08:20:16AM
10,149 posts

Server Move

Installation and Configuration

Busy getting the hang of Jamroom again.. been a while

Well welcome back :) Make sure you copy everything recursively - you want all subdirectories, etc.