This week we have 2 new modules that we've just released:
Issue Tracker
The new Issue Tracker module is a powerful issue tracking system that can be used in almost any support organization - we use it here on Jamroom.net for all bug/feature/request tracking. It's super easy to use, integrates well into the profile, and provides a central place for all issue tracking. Features include:
We've been using the Issue Tracker module here on Jamroom.net for several months, and figured it was time to make it available in the Marketplace:
iFrame Control
Our second module this week is the new (free) "iFrame Control" module. With the iFrame control module you can safely add support for trusted iframes to your site, without having to worry that the remote SRC URL is going to inject malicious code into your site. You can easily add/remove trusted sources from the iFrame Control module.
We also have an updated release of the Jamroom Core (5.1.24) that adds some new features:
As always, please join us in the User Support Forum:
and let us know how you're using Jamroom. We look forward to seeing you online!
- The Jamroom Team
I have just finished setting up the brand new premium Photo Pro Jamroom 5 Skin in the Marketplace:
This new Photo Pro skin is designed for building a community centered around photography, artwork, or images - basically anywhere you want large images to be the center of your design and style. The Photo Pro skin features a clean design with an awesome image rotator, and has full integration with the Item Ratings module, Like It module, Item Tags module, and the BRAND NEW jrFlickr support module:
Make sure and check out the special price on the Photo Pro Bundle as well:
The Photo Pro includes the Image Gallery EXIF module , which can only be found in the bundle. We're also making the new Photo Pro skin and jrFlickr module available outside of the bundle - this lets existing sites easily integrate Flickr images into their site, and lets users that like the new Photo Pro design use it as a base for their own custom skin.
On another note, we're excited as this is the first non-music based skin we've ever made for Jamroom, and it really shows off the flexibility and power of Jamroom 5 to move beyond audio/video centered sites. We have more new ideas and features that are in the works (some that are not even media related) that will be coming out in the next few months, so make sure and stay tuned - we're just scratching the surface of the ideas we have for Jamroom 5
We hope you enjoy the new releases!
To celebrate the end of 2013 ( is that something we really should be celebrating? ) we are just kicking off our "End of the Year 2013" promo - 25% of all Jamroom Network items now through New Years Day 2014!
To take advantage of this Promo, in your Jamroom install go to your Marketplace -> Promo Codes section and enter the following Promo Code:
This will get you 25% of the purchase of any skin or module - note that it does not include Bundles (which are already discounted). Also important - this promo code will only work for purchases made from your Marketplace module installed in your Jamroom, as that's what our system supports at this time.
If you would prefer to make your purchase from the Marketplace here on Jamroom.net (which lets you checkout using PayPal), just shoot us an email to support [at] jamroom [dot] net and we can send you a custom invoice for the items you would like to purchase.
We have also just released a brand new module - the Favicon Creator which lets you easily create a Favicon for your site, and has special support for Retina displays, as well as Windows 8 Tiles. If you are a Jamroom Network Subscriber, you can download this new FREE module right now:
If you're not a subscriber, for as low as $29 for an entire year you can get early access to new modules and skins, as well as Backstage VIP access:
We hope you enjoy the new release, as well as the end of the year promo.
Have an awesome and prosperous 2014 everyone!
- The Jamroom Team
The last week has been pretty busy, and I wanted to bring everyone up to speed with the latest Jamroom releases - thus a larger blog post rather than the smaller forum post in Announcements.
Here's what's new:
- Jamroom Core 5.1.6 - this is the latest update to the JR core, and contains several fixes and tweaks to make things work better. One of the big changes is that modules should load in the correct "order" now on all systems, which could have caused some "subtle" bugs to appear.
- New Smiley Support module - this is turned on here on Jamroom.net now, and it's a free module that gives you full control over emoticons on your system. This is available right now for free to all subscribers, and will be coming to everyone in 2 weeks:
- New Blank Skin Jamroom skin built to help skin designers create new skins for Jamroom 5 rapidly. The Blank Skin is licensed under a 100% Freeware license - this means you are free to use the Blank Skin as the base for any free or paid skin you would like to develop!
- Image Galleries update - the Image Gallery module has been updated with new sales support for selling individual images as well as "bundles" of images (requires FoxyCart and FoxyCartBundle modules):
- The Google Analytics module has been updated with full support for the new "Universal" Analytics:
- The free Item Ratings module has been updated with a new Global Config option to allow users who are not logged in the ability to rate items:
- The FoxyCart module has received more updates with new ledger, transactions and resend receipt options:
- The Email Newsletters module has been updated with new “open” tracking and a new Newsletter Stats tool to see how well your Newsletters are doing at reaching your users:
There's been a lot of work going on here as we continue to refine the JR modules, with A LOT more still in the pipeline! If you’re not a Jamroom subscriber yet, now is a good time to join - for only $29 per year you can get immediate access to all new modules and skins:
If you’re already a subscriber, thank you - you’re helping keep us in the Jamroom business
We hope you enjoy the new releases, and have a great holiday!